Technical program Plenary Talks Poster Session 1 Poster Session 2 Poster Session 3 Poster Session 4



15:00 - 16:00
Katsayı Diyagram Yöntemi için Kullanıcı Arayüzü Tasarımı
Selman Fatih Avşar, Mehmet Turan Söylemez
İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
Abstract:KDY (Katsayı Diyagram Yöntemi)’nin kullanımının ve tasarlanan kontrol sisteminin analizinin kolaylaştırılması ve sonucunda da KDY’nin etkin kullanımı için bu çalışmanın konusunu ve yüksek lisans tezinin bir kısmını oluşturan Matlab tabanlı kullanıcı dostu bir arayüz geliştirilmiştir. Bu arayüz aracılığıyla, tüm KDY tasarım parametrelerine müdahale edilebilirken; KD (Katsayı Diyagramı), kontrol sisteminin basamak yanıtı ve kontrol işareti gözlenebilmektedir. Tasarım parametrelerinin ve kontrol sinyalinin optimizasyonu gibi çeşitli parametrelerin optimizasyonları yapılabilmektedir. Ayrıca tasarlanan kontrol sisteminin kök eğrisi, nyquist ve bode diyagramlarına hızlı bir şekilde ulaşılabilmektedir. Kullanıcının kontrol sistemi üzerinde istediği gibi değişiklikler yapıp, kontrol sistemini daha detaylı bir şekilde analiz edilebilmesi için arayüzle etkileşimli olarak çalışan simulink modeli oluşturulmuştur.

Destek Vektör Makineleri Tabanlı Ayrık Zamanlı Kayma Kipli Kontrolör Tasarımı
Lütfi Ulusoy, Serdar İplikçi, Sezai Tokat
Namık Kemal Üniversitesi
Abstract:Bu çalışmada, matematiksel modeli bilinmeyen ve doğrusal olmayan sistemlerin kontrolü konusu ele alınmıştır. Bilgisayar tabanlı kontrole uygun olması nedeniyle, sayısal bilgisayarlar ile kayma kipli kontrol yapılarını gerçeklemek için önerilen bir yöntem olan ayrık zamanlı kayma kipli kontrol (Discrete-time Sliding Mode Control- DSMC) yapısı kullanılmıştır. Kontrol edilecek bu sistem(ler)in model(ler)i, sınıflandırma ve bağlanım problemlerinde yaygın olarak kullanılan destek vektör makineleri (Support Vector Machines-SVM) yapılarından, ε-toleranslı destek vektör bağlanımı (ε-Support Vector Regression - ε- SVR) algoritması ile elde edilmiştir. Elde edilen SVM model(ler)i, DSMC yapısı çercevesinde kullanmış ve seçilen örnek sistemlere başarılı bir şekilde uygulanmıştır.

Spiking Neural Networks for Identification abd Control of Dynamic Plants
Yeşim Öniz, Okyay Kaynak
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi
Abstract:The spiking neuron (SN) models are considered to be the next generation of the artificial neural networks, which have a better resemblance to the biological neuron than the earlier models. In this paper a Spiking Neural Networks (SNN)-based model is developed for identification and control of dynamic plants. The learning of the parameters of SNN is carried out using a gradient algorithm. For its use for identification and control purposes, a coding is applied to convert real numbers into spikes. The SNN structure is tested for the identification and control of the dynamic plants commonly used in the literature. It has been found that the proposed structure results in a good performance despite its smaller parameter space.

Parçacık Sürüsü Optimizasyonu Yönteminin Bilgiye Dayalı İyileştirilmesi
Deniz Seviş, Kamil Şenel, Yağmur Denizhan
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi
Abstract:Parçacık Sürüsü Optimizasyonu (PSO), eldeki probleme ilişkin çok fazla varsayımda bulunmadan ve bilgiye gerek duyulmadan kolayca kullanılabilen, popülasyona dayalı olasılıksal bir eniyileme yöntemidir. Probleme ilişkin ek bilgiye gereksinim duyulmaması, yöntemin avantajını oluştursa da, eldeki bir takım bilgilerin boşa harcanması olarak da görülebilir. Genelde probleme ilişkin sistematik bilgilerin kullanılması eniyileme sürecindeki arama başarımını önemli ölçüde arttırır. Bu çalışmada, orijinal PSO yönteminin el yordamıyla eniyilemedeki yüksek başarımını, eldeki bilgilerin verimli bir şekilde kullanılmasının sağladığı avantajla birleştiren geliştirilmiş bir PSO versiyonu sunulmaktadır. Bilgi Destekli Parçacık Sürüsü Optimizasyonu (BD-PSO) adlı bu yöntemin sağladığı başarım artışı iki farklı eniyileme problemi üzerinden gösterilmiştir. Bu örnek problemlerden biri kesirli dereceli bir PID kontrolcünün sistem modelini bilmeden ayarlanmasına, diğeri ise bir Yapay Sinir Ağının eğitilmesine ilişkindir.

Observer Design for Discrete Systems with Variable Input Delay
Department of Electrical Engineering, Hamedan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Hamedan, Iran
Abstract:This paper addresses the problem of designing state observer for linear discrete-time systems with bounded variable delay in the input. Motivated by unknown input observer idea, a state observer is developed based on the Luenberger observer. The observer design problem is reformulated in the framework of the switched systems. The observer gain is determined utilizing the stability theory of switched systems. A sufficient condition in terms of Bilinear Matrix Inequality (BMI) is derived to determine the observer gain. Moreover, a procedure is described to solve the obtained BMI. A Numerical example is utilized to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed scheme.

15:00 - 16:00
3D Bone Segmentation and Muscle Deformation in MR
Ekberjan Derman, Alper Yaman, Burak Acar, Can Yucesoy
Boğaziçi University
Abstract:Computer-aided biomedical image processing becomes much crucial and significant in today's life. The complexity of the image structure in this area requires accurate and sophisticated image processing tools and methodologies. Often, we need to perform segmentation and registration steps to extract the interested part of the given image data and perform further analysis. In this work, well- established mathematical image processing tools are utilized to perform bone segmentation on MR CT data, followed by rigid and elastic registration to obtain final deformation field. For the segmentation step, level-set segmentation methods [1] are employed , followed by the non-rigid registration methodologies [2] for the next step. Computer-aided techniques such as InsightToolkit [3] and VisualizationToolkit [4] are used for these steps, while some relevant codes/libraries for this special task have been developed. Two different 3D MRI data-sets are used as experimental data. References [1] Vincent Caselles et al. Geodesic Active Contours, International Journal of Computer Vision 22(1), 61-79 (1997) [2] Dirk Loeckx, et al. Nonrigid Image Registration Using Conditional Mutual Information, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, Vol. 29, No. 1, January 2010 [3] InsightToolkit at [4] VisualizationToolkit at

SON in LTE-Advanced Heterogeneous Networks: Interference Management and Capacity Optimization
Melih Ahmet Karaman
Boğaziçi University
Abstract:Emerging information technologies provide a wide range of services which require high throughput for the users. Small cell approach fulfills these needs of higher capacity and provides good indoor coverage. Deployment of small cells requires flexible and dynamic operation, administration, maintenance and provisioning schemas. Thus, Self-organization and self-optimization of network elements emerge as a necessity for network management and planning. In this study, we are going to introduce a semi-static distributed SON algorithm for small cells. The proposed SON algorithm uses carrier aggregation method, which is introduced in 3GPP Rel-10 for targeting the IMT-Advanced requirements as defined by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), to optimize the overall capacity of the system while maintaining the coverage.

Doğrudan ve Dolaylı Dijital Radyografi Sistemlerinde Görüntü Kalitesinin İncelenmesi
Yeşim Demirağaç, Mana Sezdi, Aydın Akan
İstanbul Üniversitesi

Liver Segmentation in 3D CT Data
Serkan Çimen, Burak Acar
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi

Hiper-çizge Modelleri ile İnsan Edimi Tanılama
Oya Çeliktutan, Bülent Sankur, Christian Wolf
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi
Abstract:Son yıllarda “İnsan Eylemlerinin Analizi” oldukça popüler ve uygulama alanları nedeniyle önemli bir araştırma konusu olmuştur. Buradaki amaç bir insanın tek başına gerçekleştirdiği edimi (action) ya da başka insanlarla etkileşerek ya da birden fazla insanın grup halinde gerçekleştirdiği eylemi (activity) otomatik olarak tanımaktır. Bu çalışmada, edim tanılama problemi, iki video dizisinin, başka bir deyişle bir model dizisi ile genellikle daha uzun bir test dizisinin, hizalanması şeklinde ele alınmıştır. İki video dizisinin hizalanması uzam-zaman alanında oluşturulan çizge modellerinin eşleştirilmesi ile sağlanmaktadır. Uzam-zamansal çizge modeli bütünseli yansıtan geometrik yapılanışı, zamanda ilintililiği ve yerel betimleyicileri etkin bir şekilde birleştirir. Deneysel sonuçlara göre KTH veritabanı üzerinde literatürdeki yaklaşımlarla başabaş performans elde edilmiştir.

Two Dimensional Change Detection Methods for Satellite Images
Murat İlsever, Cem Ünsalan
Yeditepe Üniversitesi
Abstract:Change detection using remotely sensed images has many applications, such as urban monitoring, land-cover change analysis, and disaster management. This work investigates two-dimensional change detection methods. The existing methods in the literature are grouped into four categories: pixel-based, transformation-based, texture analysis-based, and structure-based. In addition to testing existing methods, four new change detection methods are introduced: fuzzy logic-based, shadow detection-based, local feature-based and bipartite graph matching-based. The latter two methods form the basis for a structural analysis of change detection. Change detection methods are tested on a total of 35 panchromatic and multi-spectral Ikonos image sets.

Tolerance Inspection of Free Form Objects
Çağkan Ekici, Cem Ünsalan
Yeditepe Üniversitesi
Abstract:It is a fundamental issue in product manufacturing to determine if a manufactured object meets the design requirements from which this object was made. For products with regular features, such as quadrangular and circular shapes, the inspection techniques and equipment are mature in industrial applications. However, for products with free-form surfaces, manufactured by CNC machines, turn benches or plastic injection, the inspection process is still a big problem. In this thesis, we propose a vision-based process control system for the purpose of improving manufacturing process using real-time visual inspection feedback.

A Hybrid Method on Facial Expression Recognition via Neutral Face Shape Estimation
Sezer Ulukaya, Çiğdem Eroğlu Erdem
Bahcesehir / Bogazici Universitesi
Abstract:We present a Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) fitting method for estimating the unknown neutral face shape of an expressive face. The data set of neutral face shapes is constructed from the landmarks of the first frames of all image sequences that are provided in the Extended Cohn-Kanade (CK+) database. Experimental results on the CK+ show that subtracting the estimated neutral face shape gives better emotion recognition rates as compared to classifying expressive face geometrical facial features directly, when the person-specific neutral face shape is not available. The average emotion recognition rates achieved with the proposed neutral shape estimation method and geometric features on the CK+ database is 88%, which is higher than the baseline results.

2B Bir Videodan Hareket ve Sahne Geometrisi Kullanılarak 3B Video Oluşturulması
Aysun Çoban, Burak Acar
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi
Abstract:Bu çalışmada, tek bir kamera ile çekilmiş 2B videodan 3B stereo video elde etmek için yeni bir yöntem önerilmiştir. Stereo çiftinin biri 2B çerçevenin kendisi olarak alınmış, diğeri ise çerçeve piksellerinin derinlik haritasına bağlı yatay kaydırılmasıyla oluşturulmuştur. Arkaplan bağıl derinliği sahnenin geometrik özelliklerine; önplan bağıl derinliği ise harekete dayanarak kestirilmiştir. Yöntem, arkaplan ve önplanı birbirinden ayırarak parametrik olarak modellenen arkaplana dair ayrıklığın kullanıcı tercihlerine göre belirlenmesine, önplan nesnelerinin ayrıklıklarının ise kamera ve/ya nesne hareketlerinden otomatik olarak elde edilmesine imkan vermektedir. Oluşturulan stereo çiftlerinin aralarındaki ayrıklık haritaları incelenerek yöntemin önplan ve arkaplan ayrıklıklarını ayırt edebildiği gösterilmiştir. Ayrıca, bir grup kullanıcıdan, oluşturulan stereo videolarını notlandırmaları istenerek öznel bir değerlendirme de yapılmış; ve önerilen yöntemle ortalama bir 3B etkisinin oluşturulduğu sonucuna varılmıştır.

Multimodal Analysis of Upper-Body Gestures, Facial Expressions and Speech
Serkan Özkul, Elif Bozkurt, Shahriar Asta, Yücel Yemez, Engin Erzin
Koç Üniversitesi
Abstract:We propose a multimodal framework for correlation analysis of upper body gestures, facial expressions and speech prosody patterns of a speaker in spontaneous and natural conversation. Spontaneous upper body, face and speech gestures exhibit a broad range of structural relationships and have not been previously analyzed together to the best of our knowledge. In this study we present a multimodal database of spontaneous conversation. Within this database to identify cross modal correlations, we first perform unsupervised temporal segmentation of each modality using hidden Markov model (HMM) structures. Then, we perform correlation analysis based on mutual information measure, which is experimentally computed over the joint histograms of recurrent temporal segments (patterns) of modalities.

Neuron Segmentation in Electron Microscopy Images
Tolga Tasdizen, Ting Liu, Mojtaba Seyedhosseini, Elizabeth Jurrus, Mark Ellisman
University of Utah
Abstract:Automated segmentation of electron microscopy images is a challenging problem. We propose a two-step segmentation that exploits a series of classifiers following by a watershed tree for 2D neuron segmentation and membrane detection. In this framework, a series of classifiers is trained to generate the probability maps of membranes and then a watershed merge tree is built to perform a hierarchical region merging on the watershed transform of the probability maps. A boundary classifier is learned with non-local image features to predict each potential merge in the tree, upon which merge decisions are made with consistency constraints to generate the final segmentation. We demonstrate the performance of our framework on the membrane detection in a stack of electron microscopy images.

Utilization of Gabor Wavelet in Image Processing of Steel Surfaces for Detection of Observable Defects
Mostafa Sadeghi, Masoud Shafiee, Faezeh Memarzadeh Zavareh, Mohsen Shafieirad
Islamic Azad University Branch Zavareh
Abstract:Quality control of steel sheets for the purpose of optimizing product quality and maintaining market competition is very important. Detection of surface defects a high percent of quality control process to itself. in this paper a fast and highly accurate approach for detection of this kind of defects is offered by using image processing with the aid of Gabor Wavelet and without any need to normal image or determining the quantity of images which are to be deleted The accuracy and speed of applied approach has been indicated by offering test samples

Yüksek Çözünürlüklü Multispektral Uydu Görüntülerinde Su Alanlarının Otomatik Sınıflandırılması ile Nehir ve Su Kanalı Tespiti
Ersin Karaman, Ekin Gedik, Umut Çinar, Yasemin Yardımcı
Orta Dogu Teknik Universitesi
Abstract:In this work, a new method for classifying the water regions in high resolution multispectral satellite images and detecting river and water canals is proposed. This method analyzes the spectral characteristics of the satellite images by utilizing some indexes used for water detection in the literature. Proposed algorithm inspects the gray level images (NDVI,NDWI and NIR) histograms to determine a threshold value for automatically creating a water area mask which is independent of the image. Using this water mask and geometric constraints, river and water canals are detected.

Dendritic Spine Segmentation Using Active Contour With Shape Prior
Cemal Akarsu, Devrim Ünay, Ali Özgür Argunşah, Yazmìn Ramiro-Cortés, Anna Hobbiss, Inbal Israely
Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi
Abstract:Studies on dendritic spines have shown that there is a strong correlation between the shape of a spine and the degree of plasticity you may get at that spine. The increase in the number of studies on neuronal structure at the level of dendritic spines has resulted in the collection of large amount of data that need to be analyzed. In this study we focused on a particular part of this image processing problem: segmentation of dendritic spines. The novelty of this study is the use of Active Contour with Shape Prior for dendritic spine segmentation and its comparison with Otsu thresholding and active contour methods. Experimental results suggest that Active Contour with Shape Prior is superior in segmentation accuracy.

A P4P Approach for Real Time Video Streaming
Koray Kökten, İ. Serkan Kırkgül, M. Oğuz Sunay
Özyeğin Üniversitesi
Abstract:Peer-to-Peer (P2P) traffic is one of the most dominant traffic type on Internet. Being clients and servers simultaneously, P2P nodes obtain services from and provide services to other nodes. P2P protocols are all defined at the application layer, fully independent of the routing protocols of the ISPs. Therefore, P2P applications cannot observe the status and the topology of the Internet, and this problem may cause congestions on some of the links. It is likely for P2P protocols to choose cross-domain peers. For all these problems, a new approach, named P4P was developed. P4P approach is aiming to communicate both the network providers and applications to serve a better performance and the efficient link utilizations.

3-Boyutlu BT Anjiyografi Görüntülerinde Akciğer Damar Haritasının Bölütlenmesi
İlkay Öksüz, Devrim Ünay, Kamuran Kadıpaşaoğlu
Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi
Abstract:In the process of diagnosing illnesses related to lung, knowing the shape and curvature of lung vessels is essential. Automatic segmentation of vessel tree is one of the most important requirements for Computer Aided Diagnosis (CAD) Systems. In this paper two of the existing segmentation techniques, region-growing and Hessian-matrix based approach, are compared. Region growing method is a semi-automatic approach,on the other hand Hessian-matrix based approach does not require any user interaction for creating segmentation results. After testing these two approaches on expert annotated data, the results showed that Hessian-matrix based approach, which is a line structure enhancement Filter, gives more accurate segmentation volumes than region growing method.

Gerçek Zamanlı Terkedilmiş Paket Tespiti
Abdülkadir Gümüşçü, Ergun Erçelebi
Harran Üniversitesi
Abstract:̈Önerilen yöntemde video görüntülerinin arka planları baz alınmaktadır, arka planlar kıyaslanarak arka plana eklenen nesneler tespit edilmektedir. Dolaysıyla eğer arka plana eklenen bir nesne var ise bu nesneler analiz edilerek şüpheli paket olup olmadığına karar verilmektedir. Arka planın modellenmesinde, kameradan alınan çerçevelerin tüm piksel yoğunluk değerleri, daha önce gelmiş aynı konumdaki piksel yoğunluk değerleri ile karşılaştırılır ve bu değerlerin tekrarlanma sayıları ilgili piksel için saklanır. Önerilen yöntemde arka plan çıkarımı yapılırken oluşan gürültüyü azaltmak için morfolojik işlemler uygulanmıştır. Bu uygulama adımı ile daha gürültüsüz ve net bir sonuç elde edilmiştir.

Stereo Görüntülerde Seyrek Ayrıklık Haritası Kestirimi
Ömer C. Gürol, Seçil Öztürk, Burak Acar, Bülent Sankur
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi
Abstract:Çalışmamızda blok eşleme yöntemine dayalı bir seyrek ayrıklık haritası çıkarımı yöntemi sunmaktayız. Bu bloklar, referans imgesi üzerindeki ayrıt noktalarının etrafında alınırlar ve hedef imgede, her bir arama noktasındaki eşleşme maliyetleri değerlendirilerek arama yapılır. Bu blok eşleme yöntemi için Mutlak Farkların Toplamı (MFT), Herman Weyl’in Uyuşmazlık Ölçütü (HWUÖ) ve Uyarlanabilir Destek Pencereleri (UDP) gibi maliyet hesaplama yöntemlerinin verimlilikleri incelenmiştir. Yöntemler birbirleriyle ayrıklık ve en büyük ayrıklık değerlerinin kestirimindeki verimliliklerine göre karşılaştırılmışlardır. Ayrıklıkların kestirilmesinde UDP, MFT'na göre az, HWUÖ'ne göre is belirgin bir miktarda daha başarılıdır. En büyük ayrıklıkların kestiriminde ise MFT, UDP'ne göre az ve yine HWUÖ'ne göre ise belirgin bir miktarda daha başarılı sonuçlar vermiştir.

15:00 - 16:00
LDS - Enhanced Description Script for Layout Templates
A. Unutulmaz, G. Dündar, F. V. Fernandez
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi
Abstract:A domain specific language, LDS (Layout Description Script), for describing analog layout constraints is presented. Being a declarative language, LDS is superior to GPLs (General Purpose Languages) in terms of constraint coding capabilities. It is also possible to covert some of topological representations, such as SP (Sequence Pair) and Slicing Tree, into LDS.

Assertion-Based Verification for Analog/Mixed-Signal Designs: Case Studies
Dogan Ulus, Alper Sen
Bogazici University
Abstract:In this contribution, assertion-based verification for analog/mixed-signal(AMS) designs is investigated through two case studies. First, a relatively small circuit, a programmable switch, design in SPICE is chosen. Then, moved towards a large AMS design, a sigma-delta converter, as the second case. For both cases, some temporal properties of designs are captured in a formal specification language, STL/PSL, and written as AMS assertions to be checked. Using Analog Monitoring Tool(AMT), these assertions are checked over real simulation traces. This experience allows us to comment and discuss on the current state and future directions of this approach.

15:00 - 16:00
High PSRR Low Dropout Voltage Regulator
Hüseyin Deniz Gürhan, Uğur Çilingiroğlu
Yeditepe Üniversitesi
Abstract:Low dropout (LDO) linear voltage regulators are widely used for their low output noise, mostly caused by power supply ripples (PSR), and precise output voltage characteristics. In order to improve PSRR and regulation of LDO’s, high open-loop gain is desired. Conventional LDOs generally have one gain stage limiting the open loop gain. Recent studies reveal an LDO topology with two gain stages to overcome this issue. In this work, the maximum open loop gain of LDO is studied within the framework of this type of topology. The design presents an LDO with two high gain stages, a folded cascode gain stage followed by a single transistor gain stage. The design also ensures stability over a wide load range.

Switched-Current Synchronous Detector
Hüseyin Büyükeşmeli, Uğur Çilingiroğlu
Yeditepe Üniversitesi
Abstract:In-circuit testing is a cost effective fault diagnosis technique for both analog and digital integrated circuits. In some of its applications, very weak sensor signals have to be recovered in the presence of excessive noise. The purpose of this work is to design an analog signal detector also known as lock-in amplifier, which is capable of recovering such noisy signals in a known form with fixed and well-known frequency. The intended application of this work is in-circuit testing of multiple power and ground pins for open faults using magnetic Hall sensors. The proposed design is designed to work up to 200 kHz and intended to be fabricated using 0.18 μm CMOS technology.

A Capacitive Power-Supply Circuit for Energizing an Autonomous Active RFID SoC
Semih Kuvvet, Uğur Çilingiroğlu
Yeditepe Üniversitesi
Abstract:In this study we develop capacitive power-supply circuitry for the transmitter of an active RFID SoC which is energized photovoltaically. The Ultra-Wideband (UWB) impulse-radio transmitter is in the form of an LC cross-coupled oscillator. The powersupply circuit contains one capacitor for each bit of the data transmitted. Prior to transmission, the capacitance of the active bits are charged by photovoltaic currents and discharged during transmission. A transmit control logic generates the n-bit transmission control sequence at photovoltaic voltage levels. A level shifter transforms into novel voltage levels compatible with the transmitter.

Direct Sensor to Microcontroller Interface Circuits
Zivko Kokolanski, Cvetan Gavrovski
Ss Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje
Abstract:Direct sensor-microcontroller interface is an alternative approach for conditioning of modulating resistive and capacitive sensors without the use of an A/D converter. The microcontroller uses the built in timer to measure the charging or discharging time of RC circuit formed by the sensor and reference resistor/capacitor. In this way, the microcontroller and the sensor form a relaxation oscillator causing the modulating sensor to act like a quasi-digital sensor. In practice the input/output resistances and leakage currents of the microcontroller ports cause gain, offset and nonlinearity errors. Therefore, usually direct sensor to microcontroller interface is realized by using some calibration technique. In the paper, a different calibration techniques and methods for improuving the measurement uncertainty of theese circuits will be discussed.

Fast Two-Pick N2N Round-Robin Arbiter Circuit
Fatih Temizkan, H. Fatih Uğurdağ, Onur Başkırt, Sezer Gören
Özyeğin University
Abstract:A regular (one-pick) round-robin arbiter circuit picks one active requestor (if any) out of n requestors. A two-pick round-robin arbiter selects up to two requestors. An n2n two-pick round-robin arbiter indicates the picked requests with (at most) two-hot n-bit output. A round-robin arbiter is fair to its requestors and does this by repeatedly moving its highest priority pointer to the position immediately next to the second requestor picked. This paper presents the circuit architecture and VLSI implementation of a new scalable two-pick round-robin arbiter with low latency and compares it with previous work based on logic synthesis results.

Low Power CMOS Optoelectronic Transmission System Design
Umut Çindemir
Uppsala Universitet
Abstract:In this paper, an optoelectronic transmission system is presented. The proposed architecture and characterization results are to be used in development of a biomedical device. The system is composed of front-end, which is a CMOS power supply and application circuitry, transmission path, which is simply the fiber alignment path and a bulk etched Si-mirror, and back-end circuitry, which is a photo detector and an amplifier circuit.

An Integrated MR Receiver Circuit with MEMS Drive Capability
Berk Çamlı, Arda D. Yalçınkaya
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi
Abstract:This driver will be a part of a microsystem insertable in a catheter, which provides location information; thus enabling the use of MRI in catheter-based operations. Powering and transmission is done via optics. The microsystem consists of RF transceiver, optical coupler incorporating a MEMS bridge/driver used in signal transmission and power supply units. Operation is based on the sensing of the echo signals coming from the catheter surroundings and the graded field applied externally. Frequency difference of these two signals is obtained through a self-mixing and LPF structure, as this difference bears localization information. Obtained signal is then used to drive a MEMS bridge acting as a mirror providing the resultant signal to outside world through fiber optical cables.

15:00 - 16:00
Alana Özgü Diller İçin Bir Etkinlik Değerlendirme Çerçevesi
Gökhan Kahraman, Semih Bilgen
Orta Doğu Teknik Üniersitesi
Abstract:Bu çalışmada Alana Özgü Dil (AÖD)’ler için Etkinlik Değerlendirme Çerçevesi (AEDÇ) önerilmektedir. AEDÇ, değerlendiricinin bakış açısını belirlemek, değerlendirmenin amacını anlamak ve temel AÖD etkinlik değerlendirme ölçütlerini ortaya koyarak değerlendiriciye süreç içinde kılavuzluk etmek için kullanılacak sorgulayıcı bir çerçevedir. AÖD’lerin etkinliğinin değerlendirilmesindeki en kritik adım çerçeve üzerinde anlaşmaya varmak ve kullanılacak nitelik ölçütlerinin neler olacağını belirlemektir. AEDÇ’de, ISO/IEC 25010:2011 ile uyumlu sekiz temel nitelik özelliği önerilmektedir; bunlar, işlevsel uygunluk, kullanılabilirlik, güvenilirlik, idame ettirilebilirlik, başarım verimliliği, taşınabilirlik, uyumluluk ve ifade edilebilirliktir. Bu özellikler üzerinde AÖD paydaşları ile birlikte anlaşma sağlandıktan sonra, nitelik ölçülerinin toplanması ve raporlanması işlemini otomatikleştirmek ve nitelik ölçüleri kümesini değerlendiricinin rolleri ve hedefleri ile ilişkilendirmek için AEDÇ kullanılabilecektir.

Görme Engelliler için Engel Algılama Sistemi
Koray Gürkan, Aydın Akan
Istanbul Universitesi
Abstract:Görme engelliler dolaşırken gören rehberden, köpeklerden ve bastondan yararlanırlar. Gören rehber, görme engellinin başka kişilere bağımlı olmasına yol açar. Köpekler, her yere alınmamaları ve görme engelliye bakım sorumluluğu yüklemeleri nedeniyle pratik değildir. Baston, bağımsız hareket için en fazla kullanılan araçtır, ancak belden yukarı bölgede bulunan engellerin bastonla algılanması mümkün değildir. Projede görme engellilerin bağımsız hareketini sağlayacak yardımcı bir cihaz geliştirilecektir. Tasarlanacak cihazın estetiği bozmayacak şekilde bir şapka içerisine yerleştirilmesi düşünülmektedir. Engel algılanması üretilecek PVDF sensörlerle sağlanacaktır. Algılanan engeller alın bölgesine yerleştirilen titreşim motorlarıyla görme engelliye bildirilecektir. Tasarlanan elektronik devrelerin minimum güç gereksinimi ve minimum boyutlu olmasıyla cihazın şapka içerisine monte edilmesi mümkün olacaktır. Kullanıcılar tarafından yapılan geribildirimler ile geliştirilecek sistemin dış ülkelere ihracatı da mümkün hale gelecektir.

Technical program Plenary Talks Poster Session 1 Poster Session 2 Poster Session 3 Poster Session 4



11:00 - 12:00
Intelligent TCS Fuzzy Controller for Diverse Road Surfaces
Roozbeh Keshmiri, Seyed Mahdi Rezaei, Nazanin Seyedgogani, Telman Raoufiirani
Islamic Azad University Branch Tabriz
Abstract:Fuzzy controllers are potential candidates for the control of nonlinear, time variant and also complicated systems. Traction Control System (TCS) and Anti-lock brake system (ABS) are nonlinear systems, may not be easily controlled by classical control methods. An intelligent fuzzy control method is very useful for this kind of nonlinear system. In this paper, an intelligent fuzzy TCS controller is designed to adjust slipping performance for variety of roads. Slippage between wheel and road is one of the most effective factors, which causes instability in vehicles leading, decreasing of max acceleration and dynamic stability, especially in slippery road. This study evaluates traction control systems (TCSs) composed of either a wheel slip controller with torque that apply to vehicle.

Wheel Slip Control Application Based On Fuzzy Neural System with Parameterized Conjunctions
Çisel Aras, Okyay Kaynak
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi
Abstract:In conventional fuzzy modeling and control, to obtain an optimal fuzzy system, a commonly used approach is to tune the parameters of the membership functions. This kind of adaptation may results in loss or distortion of the expert knowledge about the system and is undesirable in applications where the expert knowledge is vital. Therefore, parameterized conjunction operators are considered to be used as fuzzy operators, thus the parameters of the operators can be tuned with regarding this significant information. In this study, initially the expert knowledge of the system is obtained by using fuzzy c-means (FCM) clustering algorithm. Then, fuzzy neural system (FNS) is used with parameterized conjunctions in slip control of a quarter car model.

Excel / VBA Based Software for Radial Power System Protection Training
Nasr-Eddine Bouhenna
Abu Dhabi Men's College
Abstract:A set of analysis tools for self contained learning was developed for radial power system protection training. It automates a radial feeder for an overcurrent protection that would include fault calculations, fuse-fuse co-ordination, current transformer, relay-relay and fuse-relay co-ordination, directional overcurrent protection, ground fault protection, automatic recloser and sectionalizer. The software explains the function of all these protective elements and provides the students with the skills and knowledge necessary to calculate fault currents, coordinate fuses, select and coordinate relays and associated instrument transformers, adjust the setting of the relays using the standard operating characteristics, and coordinate the fuses and relays.

A Nonlinear Four Rotor Experimentation Set for Control Research and Education
M.Kemal Bayrakçeken, Aydemir Arısoy
Hava Harp Okulu
Abstract:The presented nonlinear control systems experimentation set is designed and manufactured as part of the PhD thesis “Flight Control of a Four Rotor UAV”. The set is used in both undergraduate and graduate level education for in-class demonstrations, laboratory courses and research. The moving part is a ground fixed quadrotor with mechanical freedom in roll, pitch and yaw axes. The real-time embedded processing platform is dSpace ds1103. Structural mass parameters are calculated experimentally with the aid of accurate sensors. The experimental results of attitude control using linear and nonlinear control approaches ensure the flexibility and reliability of the set.

Portföy Optimizasyon Stratejilerinin Ampirik Analizi
Efe Dogan Yılmaz, Selim Hacısalihzade
Bogazici Üniversitesi
Abstract:The success of the application of control engineering approaches to the financial portfolio construction problem is investigated empirically. The investor’s problem is formulated mathematically. Historical data is used for estimating the parameters of the constrained optimization problem. Two variables are defined for estimation purposes. The first variable determines from ‘when’ the past data should start. The second variable indicates the future time at which the investor is hoping to get a return’. Investors are grouped according to their risk appetites. The effects of the two variables on portfolio returns are investigated for all risk levels using Istanbul Stock Exchange (ISE) data. The performance of the optimal strategy is compared with the performance of ISE index.

Kayan Kipli Denetim Yönteminin 2 Serbestlik Dereceli Helikopter Sistemine Uygulanması
Hilmi Artun Oyman, Yağmur Denizhan
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi
Abstract:Bu çalışmada, deneysel çalışmalar için Quanser firması tarafından tasarlanmış 2 serbestlik dereceli helikopter deney seti gürbüz bir denetim yöntemi olan Kayan Kipli Denetim (KKD) yaklaşımıyla denetlenmiş, bu yöntemle elde edilen sonuçlar, Tam Durum Geribeslemeli Denetim ve Kutup Atama ile Geribeslemeli Doğrusallaştırma yöntemlerinin sonuçlarıyla karşılaştırılmıştır. Öncelikle üretici firmanın verdiği matematiksel model detaylı bir şekilde ele alınmış, sistemin tork ve sürtünme katsayılarının kalibrasyonu deneme-yanılma yöntemiyle yapılmıştır. KKD yönteminde, helikopter sisteminin ağırlığı, alabileceği maksimum yük ile yüksüz olduğu durum arasında değişken kabul edilmiştir. Sistem belirsizlikleri hesaba katıldıktan sonra çok-girdili-çok-çıktılı doğrusal olmayan Kayan Kipli Denetleyici tasarlanmıştır. Çatırtı problemi, Kayan Yüzey etrafında ince bir katman tanımlanarak giderilmiştir. Sonuçlarda, KKD yaklaşımının, bahsedilen diğer yaklaşımlardan, tümlenik mutlak hata ölçütü şeklindeki performans göstergesine göre, daha iyi olduğu görülmüştür.

11:00 - 12:00
A Study on Performance of User Equipment Throughput and BLER in Various Environments for LTE 800 MHz and LTE 2600 MHz Frequency Bands
Ömer Tura, Alkan Soysal
Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi
Abstract:In this paper, the performance of the user equipment (UE) in various deployment scenarios for 3GPP (Third generation Partnership Project) LTE (Long term Evolution) Release 8 has been studied in terms of throughput and BLER (Block Error Rate) for LTE 800 MHz and LTE 2600 MHz frequency bands. In RF planning, 800 MHz frequency band is used in the rural areas since coverage is crucial in such areas, and 2600 MHz frequency band is used in the urban areas in which capacity is more necessary than coverage. We used a System Level Simulator to simulate the two frequency bands to compare the results in various environments (e.g. urban, rural).

Effects of Rate Adaptation on Performance of IEEE 802.11g DCF based Multi-hop Wireless Networks
Sibel Sancaklı, Canan Aydoğdu
İzmir Yüksek Teknoloji Enstitüsü
Abstract:The paper focuses on the goodput/throughput performance of IEEE 802.11g based multihop networks for various data rates. We aim to solve the fundamental problem of how goodput and throughput performances of wireless multihop networks are affected by various data rates. The problem is investigated for different routing strategies, direct transmission and multihop transmission. NS-2 simulations are conducted on two regular topologies with hidden terminals for both unsaturated and saturated traffic loads. The results show that throughput is always maximized with the highest available data rate, whereas goodput is maximized with the highest data rate only under moderate-to-saturated traffic loads.

Feature Detection and Matching towards Augmented Reality Applications on Mobile Devices
Erhan Gündoğdu, A. Aydın Alatan
Middle East Technical University
Abstract:Feature detection and tracking is an important problem for many application areas, including augmented reality. In AR, key points from the scene must be detected, described and matched. A novel low complexity feature extraction algorithm, only performing by a single comparison per pixel on the average and an efficient local binary descriptor pattern are proposed. The proposed system is able to run in real-time (about 10-15 ms). In summary, the proposed algorithms for both feature detection and local feature description are applicable to real time implementations and convenient for resource limited applications such as mobile devices with a promising performance against state-of-the-art.

Architecture for a Distributed OpenFlow Controller
Volkan Yazıcı, M. Oğuz Sunay, Ali Özer Ercan
Özyeğin Üniversitesi
Abstract:In this project, we propose a distributed OpenFlow controller and an associated coordination framework that achieves scalability and reliability even under heavy data center loads. The proposed framework, which is designed to work with all existing OpenFlow controllers with minimal or no required changes, provides support for dynamic addition and removal of controllers to the cluster without any interruption to the network operation. We demonstrate performance results of the proposed framework implemented over an experimental testbed that uses controllers running Beacon.

Optimal Relay Placement and Diversity Gain Analysis for Parallel Relaying in Free-Space Optical Communication Systems
Mohammadreza Amini Kashani, Murat Uysal
Ozyegin University
Abstract:Relay-assisted free-space optical (FSO) transmission exploits the fact that atmospheric turbulence fading variance is distance dependent and yields significant performance gains by taking advantage of the resulting shorter hops. In this paper, we first investigate how to determine optimal relay locations in parallel FSO relaying as to minimize the outage probability and then quantify performance improvements obtained through optimal relay placement. We further present a diversity gain analysis for parallel FSO relaying scheme and quantify its diversity advantages in terms of the number of relays and channel parameters.

Dynamic and Energy Based Routing Algorithm for Extending the Lifetime of Wireless Sensor Networks
Nazanin Seyedgogani, Seyyed Mahdi Rezaei, Roozbeh Keshmiri
Islamic Azad University Branch Ahar
Abstract:The energy limitation is one of the important restriction in wireless sensor networks(WSNs) so the issue of energy balancing is has been considered as a primary challenge in the research of scientific communities and paper have been proposed many algorithm for routing on WSNs to decrease the use of energy such as clustering based routing protocols. In this paper a new algorithm named DER. By comparison with LEACH protocol, our simulation result shows that DER extends the network lifetime about 27%.

On the Performance of Low Delay Spatially Coupled Codes
Reza A. Ashrafi, Ali E. Pusane
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi
Abstract:In this work, a survey on finite-length spatially-coupled codes and a window decoding scheme for these codes based on the belief-propagation algorithm is conducted. Due to their low complexity, low delay and acceptable BER performance, these codes are a very good candidate for wireless communication standards. Specifically, we identify all possible members of base matrices with minimal coupling (single code memory) for the asymptotically (3,6)-regular spatially-coupled codes and evaluate their performance with the window decoding over AWGN and Rayleigh fading channels and it is shown that coupling increases coding performance in both channels. Based on the simulation results, finite-length spatially-coupled codes with the best performance for practical applications in wireless communication standards are identified.

LDPC Kodlara Ait Yutan Kümelerin Düşük Karmaşıklıkla Bulunması
Abdullah Sarıduman, Ali E. Pusane, Z. Caner Taşkın
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi
Abstract:Düşük-yoğunluklu eşlik-denetim (LDPC) kodları yüksek hata başarımları ve düşük karmaşıklığa sahip kod çözme algoritmaları ile son yıllarda dikkat çekmişlerdir. Bu kodlara ait yinelemeli kod çözme teknikleri çok yüksek hata başarımlarına ulaşırken sonlu uzunluklu kodlar için hata tabanı sergilemektedirler. Yakın kod sözcüklerinin varlığı nedeniyle yüksek işaret gürültü oranları için hata başarımı eğrisi düzleşmekte ve kod çözücü istenilen başarıma ulaşamamaktadır. Yakın kod sözcüklerinin ortaya çıkmasına neden olan yapılar tuzak kümeleri olarak adlandırılmaktadır. Özellikle küçük boyutlu tuzak kümeleri, hata tabanı bölgesindeki başarımı belirlemektedir. İkili simetrik kanallarda yutan kümeler tuzak kümelerini oluşturmaktadır. Bu çalışmada tam sayı programlama eniyileme yöntemi kullanılarak LDPC kodların ikili-simetrik kanallardaki en küçük boyutlu yutan kümeler aranmaktadır. En küçük boyutlu yutan kümelerinin belirlenmesi ve yok edilmesi hata tabanı bölgesindeki başarımı artıracaktır.

Sonlu Uzunluklu Kutupsal Kod Tasarımı
Berksan Şerbetçi, Ali E. Pusane
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi
Abstract:Kutupsal kodlar kanal kapasitesine eriştiği ispatlanmış bir kod ailesidir. Bu kodların üretiminde kullanılan 2x2’lik temel matris ele alınan kanalları kutuplaştırarak bir kısım kanalın kapasitesinin 1’e, kalanların kapasitelerinin ise 0’a yakınsamalarına neden olmaktadır. Literatürde rastlanılan çalışmalarda sonsuz kod uzunlukları için 16x16’dan küçük matrislerin Arıkan’ın 2x2’lik temel matrisinden daha iyi polarizasyon başarımına sahip olmadığı gösterilmiştir. Bu çalışmada sonlu kod uzunluğu durumunda bu gözlemin doğrudan geçerli olmadığı, verilen bir hedef kod uzunluğu için değişik temel matrisler ele alınarak kanal kutuplaşmasının ve kod tasarımının sağlanabileceği gösterilmiş; özellikle ele alınan 3x3 boyutuna sahip temel matrislerin hem sonsuz hem de sonlu uzunluklu kutuplaşma başarımları elde edilmiş ve değişik kod uzunlukları için yüksek başarıma sahip temel matrisler belirlenmiştir.

Automatic Modulation Classification Using Support Vector Machine Pairwise Coupling for Satellite Communications Signals
Ali Ghaleh, Babak Naser Sharif, Mohsen Farhang, Mohamad Nabipour
Malek-Ashtar University of Technology
Abstract:In this paper a support vector machine (SVM) pairwise coupling algorithm is developed for classification of satellite communications signals used in DVB-S2 standard. The proposed method extracts second, fourth and sixth order cumulants as features from the received signal. The features are given to a SVM pairwise coupling algorithm in which there is one binary SVM for each pair of modulation types. Finally the algorithm selects the modulation type chosen by the maximal number of pairwise SVMs as final decision. SVMs are trained by samples from different modulation types corrupted by gaussian noise. The performance of the proposed method is verified through computer simulations. The simulation results show that the proposed classifier allows higher recognition rates at lower SNRs.

An Iterative Threshold Finding Technique for Energy Detection
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi
Abstract:Energy Detection is widely used method for spectrum sensing due to its simplicity and efficiency on unknown signals. This work represents an iterative threshold finding technique with regard to Neyman-Pearson Lemma. The aim of this technique to keep probability of false alarm constant which is the function of threshold. Newton’s Method is employed with Kullback-Leibler Distance as a distance between instant probability of false alarm rate and desired probability of false alarm rate. Instant probability of false alarm rate is estimated by previous decisions.

Investigation of Ionospheric Pierce Points for TNPGN-Active Network and Its Magnetic Conjugate Coordinates
Memduh Serkan Sapaz, Feza Arıkan, Tamara Gulyaeva
Hacettepe Üniversitesi
Abstract:The effect of ionospheric thin shell height, neighboring stations and satellite positions on ionospheric pierce points (IPP) are investigated using TNPGN-Active Network in Turkey, North Cyprus and Turkey's magnetic conjugate locations. Total Electron Content along the path between receiver and satellite, Slant Total Electron Content (STEC) is examined for each satellite and receiver pair. IPP along each STEC path and arc lengths between IPP are calculated for ionospheric heights of 200 to 450 km. Threshold values for sampling of the ionosphere are approximately 100 km, the value for the spatial and temporal decorrelation of ionosphere. The distances between IPP represent appropriate sampling intervals for TUSAGA-Active Network. Supported by TUBITAK 110E296 and RFBR 11-02-91370-CT\_a, and TUBITAK 109E055.

Interference Management in 3G Femtocells
Ozyeğin Universitesi
Abstract:Due to the increasing demands on higher data rates and coverage in cellular networks, it has become a necessity for the wireless industry to increase the system capacity and utilize the spectrum more efficiently. A recent solution is femtocell access points. They are small in size, low-power, low-cost, user deployed home base stations offering to improve the indoor coverage area while reducing the cellular network load. The most important concern on femtocell deployment is interference management. In this work, we investigate the impact of the number of available frequency bands in a shared spectrum on the macrocell - femtocell systems and the optimal spectrum sensing period in order to minimize indoor/outdoor interference.

Spatio-Temporal TEC Interpolation for TNPGN-Active Stations
Muhammet Necat Deviren, Orhan Arıkan, Feza Arıkan
Hacettepe Üniversitesi
Abstract:Total Electron Content (TEC) is the line integral of electron density over a ray path. Due to various structural or physical problems, TEC estimates may be missing in a time interval. A robust spatio-temporal interpolation algorithm based on a least squares minimization of spatial regression and temporal cubic splines is applied to TNPGN-Active Network, between 2009 and 2011. The interpolation algorithm relies on cubic splines at the end points of a TEC gap and a gradual passage to spatial interpolation takes places for the middle section of gap. With the developed technique, approximately 20% to 25% of missing TEC data for each station in TUSAGA-Active Network are recovered. Supported by TUBITAK 109E055.

Design and Simulation of a Hybrid Rectangular Patch and Spiral Microstrip Antenna at UHF & L-Band
Ashrf Aoad -M. S. Ufuk Türeli
Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi
Abstract:For communications and medical therapy there is a need to design, simulate and analyze antennas which are both wideband, and directional. In this paper, we examine a hybrid design comprised of a rectangular center patch and spiral microstrip antennas, whose operating frequencies are at ultra high frequency UHF 884 MHz, 954 MHz and also at L-band 1.154 GHz. Many techniques are utilized to reduce the physical size and meet the following performance objectives: the directivity values not less than 6.9 dBi and the direction of main beam is switched between 34 and 43 , voltage standing wave ratio VSWR between 1-2 and matched input impedance around 50 Ohm.

Enhancing the Performance of Multimedia Wireless Communication Systems Based on Cooperation and Complementary Code Sets
Noha O. El-Ganainy
Arab Academy of Science and Technology

Adaptive Spectrum Sensing Algorithm Based on Noise Variance Estimation for Cognitive Radio Applications
Mohsen Farhang, Amin Mohajer, Omid Zobeyravi, Abolfazl Rahimzadegan
Malek-Ashtar University of Technology
Abstract:The energy detection is the most general spectrum sensing method due to its low computational and implementation complexities, in which the primary signal is detected by comparing the output of energy detector with a threshold. The optimal threshold depends on the noise variance, thus the main problem of energy detection method is optimal threshold selection due to noise uncertainty. In this paper an adaptive energy detection spectrum sensing method is proposed in which the optimal threshold is selected based on the estimated noise variance. In order to evaluate the performance of the proposed method, probabilities of detection (Pd) and false alarm (Pfa) are computed with different observation intervals and noise conditions.

Femto Hücreleri İçin Uygulama Bazlı Çizelgeleyici Şeması
Devin Mungan, Oğuz Sunay, Gülden Ferazoğlu
Özyeğin Üniversitesi
Abstract:Studies show that majority of data request in wireless cellular networks are requested when the user is indoors. To increase the indoor coverage and channel qualities, femtocells are proposed for today's cellular networks. Every application has its own Quality of Service (QoS) requirement and each of them has to be considered in the resource allocation process. We propose to use application based buffering at the femtocells so that each application of every user will have its own buffer. Besides the new buffering scheme, we also propose a new QoS-aware scheduling algorithm.Results indicate that our proposed algorithm has done extremely well comparing to the traditional schedulers like proportionally fair and maximum C/I schedulers.

Opportunistic Multiple Relaying In Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
Güven Yenihayat, Ertugrul Kolagasioglu, Füruzan Atay Onat, Ali Özgür Yilmaz
Abstract:Cooperative relaying systems aim to improve weak communication links by exploiting the spatial diversity obtained by the statistically independent channels between relays and the destination. In this study a cooperative relaying scheme called the Opportunistic Multiple Relaying (OMR) is proposed with its special receiver structure. Unlike most relaying schemes in the literature, multiple relay nodes are allowed to transmit in nonorthogonal channels in OMR without requiring any control overhead for relay coordination. OMR is compared to a benchmark scheme called the Selection Relaying (SR) in which the relay node is preselected by the source before transmission according to the average channel quality information. It is observed that OMR performs significantly better than SR in terms of error performance.

Distributed Detection in IEEE 802.15.4a based WSNs
Yağmur Sabucu, Serhat Erküçük
Kadir Has Üniversitesi
Abstract:In this work, we consider the implementation of distributed detection in IEEE 802.15.4a based wireless sensor networks (WSNs) in order to detect primary systems. We mainly focus on the sensor-fusion center (FC) link in which the detection performance is affected by IEEE 802.15.4a specific modulation formats (BPM vs. BPM-BPSK), realistic IEEE 802.15.4a channel models, the signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) and the fusion rules at the FC. So far, we have implemented and quantified the performance of a single sensor system in terms of system parameters. Further work will extend the single sensor scenario to the realistic multi sensor network and will define the conditions of successful operation. The results are important for the practical implementation of IEEE 802.15.4a based WSNs.

11:00 - 12:00
Electrical Characteristics of Hybrid Organic Memory Devices Based on Au Nanoparticles
Razan R. Nejm,Ahmad. I. Ayesh, Dagou A. Zeze, Mohammed F. Mabrook, Mousa Hussein
United Arab Emirates University
Abstract:A hybrid organic memory device based on gold (Au) nanoparticles is demonstrated in this work. Au nanoparticles were deposited on SiO2/Si substrates and coated with a PMMA insulating layer. Aluminum (Al) electrodes were deposited on the Si substare and the PMMA layer to create a capacitor. The nanoparticles were used as charge storage elements while the PMMA is the capacitor insulator. The capacitance-voltage characteristics of the devices exhibit a clockwise hysteresis with a memory window of 3.4V, indicative of electrons injection from the Al electrode into the Au nanoparticles. Charge retention measured at the stress voltage demonstrated that the devices retain 94% of the charges stored after 3 hours of continuous testing.

Analysis of Thermal Drift in Atomic Force Microscopy Based Force Sepctroscopy and Compensating Micro-Structures
Selin Tolunay, Semih Sevim, Hamdi Torun
Boğaziçi University
Abstract:Due to the biological motion driven by the molecular-scale forces, single-molecule force spectroscopy has become a powerful research area.For long time scale experiments in AFM, ambient temperature stability becomes the main concern as AFM cantilever is usually a bimaterial structure and sensitive to temperature gradient.Thermal drift in AFM can be harmful for biomolecules anchored between cantilever and stationary sample surface as the force on the molecules increases if cantilever deflects towards surface.In addition, thermally induced deflection causes false force readings and a shift in zero-force level.In this paper, we report the analysis of thermal drift in AFM and represent design of micro-structures that are thermomechanically matched with the cantilevers in order to compensate the thermal drift.

Fabrication and Characterization of Polymer Field Effect Transistors Employing Electrical Double Layers
Berkan Yaman, İsmail Terkeşli, Şenol Mutlu
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi
Abstract:Recently, there are many studies on organic electronics due to its simple and low cost fabrication. The purpose of this project is to increase the performances of polymer semiconductor, transistor and chemical sensors using simple and cheap methods. For this, organic electronics and microfluidic channels are integrated together, which is a novel approach. Microfluidic channel made of PVA is integrated to source-drain electrodes coated with semi-conductor polymer. The gate insulator is a liquid electrolyte flowing through the PVA channel. Chemical sensing of different analytes is possible in this liquid environment.

Design, Fabrication and Characterization of a MOEMS Based Thermal Imaging System
Koç Üniversitesi
Abstract:This paper reports microelectro- mechanical system (MEMS) based thermomechanical Infrared (IR) sensor arrays with optical readout. Detector operation is based on the conversion of heat caused by IR radiation to mechanical bending. Each sensor is anchored to substrate by bimaterial legs. Bimaterial legs are optimized to convert IR to mechanical displacement by utilizing the thermal mismatch of two different materials. Thermally induced deflection is measured with sub-nanometer accuracy using a diffraction grating-based interferometer integrated to each sensor. Pixelated 640x480, 320x240, 64x64 arrays with 35µm sensor pitch were microfabricated. In a typical imaging setting, devices are illuminated from backside with a laser source and the intensity change of the diffracted light is monitored real time using a CCD camera.

Cantilever Tip Actions at “Z” Direction in Contact Mode Nano-Particle Pushing By AFM
Seyedmahdi Rezaei, Roozbeh Keshmiri, Telman Raoufiirani, Nazanin Seyedgogani
Islamic Azad University Branch Tabriz
Abstract:In this paper, we have made a dynamical model for pushing nano-particles by AFM in contact mode. This model is based on the equations of resistant forces such as attractive and friction as well as on the exact extraction of coordinates of probe’s tip and nano-particle during pushing. All achieved data are simulated in Wolfram Mathematica. In Proposed approach we want to extract tip actions in Z direction to calculate the required applying force, till the operator can obtain enough information about the modality of this step in the pushing which abandoned to operator in semi-automatic strategy at its first phase. So operator can forecast the final result, before the true nano-manipulation scenario.

Microlens Array Based Head-up Display Screen for Automotive Applications
M. Kıvanç Hedili, Hakan Ürey, Mark Freeman
Koç Üniversitesi
Abstract:A novel see-through screen is developed for cars which reduces the size of the head-up display (HUD) unit considerably. Screen size is 10x20cm and it is placed between the windshield and the dashboard. The screen is a partially reflective hexagonal microlens array that is embedded in an index matched medium. The size of the eyebox is 65cm at the horizontal cross-section to provide the driver a comfortable viewing zone. The system is very compact and does not require any space under the dashboard, which saves on the precious space for car manufacturers. The screen is manufactured and tested in a real car and performs very well.

MEMS-Based Micro Tensile Testing Device
Gökhan Nadar, Berkay Gümüş, Evren F. Arkan, B. Erdem Alaca, Yusuf Leblebici, Davide Sacchetto, Arda D. Yalçınkaya
Koç University
Abstract:A microtensile test device for the determination of elastic modulus and fracture strength of silicon nanowires (SiNW) is designed. Uniaxial deformation of SiNW is induced by an electrostatic comb-drive actuator and the displacements are measured by a differential capacitive sensor. SiNW is fabricated between the actuator and the sensor monolithically. A MATLAB code is generated for optimization of the device geometry. The overall performance of the device is analyzed via finite element analysis. Also a micro strain gauge with mechanical amplifier is designed to measure the residual stress caused by the fabrication processes. SOI wafers having 50µm device silicon layer and 2µm BOX layer are used for fabrication. Characterization of manufactured devices is in progress.

Electromagnetic MEMS Based Resonator Structure with Optical Readout Mechanism
Ahmet Uraz Çakacı, Arda D. Yalçınkaya
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi
Abstract:For interventional MRI operations, it is of great importance to use catheters, which can be localized in the image and are MRI compatible at the same time. Localization can be accomplished by detecting the frequency of the FID signal at a given location. As a part of the system to deal with this problem, different electromagnetic MEMS-based resonator structures are designed. Both series connected and single-beam resonators are used. For detection of the frequency of motion, Laser Doppler Vibrometry and interferometry methods are proposed. Finally, a prototype is fabricated.

Technical program Plenary Talks Poster Session 1 Poster Session 2 Poster Session 3 Poster Session 4



15:00 - 16:00
Control of Globally Coupled Chaotic Oscillators via Delayed Mean Field Feedback
Elif Köksal, Yağmur Denizhan
Boğaziçi University
Abstract:One of the coupling configurations of oscillators is coupling via the mean field. Under appropriate conditions synchronization of such oscillators can be achieved. In this contribution, control of synchronization in an ensemble of chaotic Rössler oscillators coupled via mean field is studied. For this purpose, different feedback forms are considered. It is shown numerically that time-delayed feedback in mean field can enhance or suppress the collective behavior of oscillators, depending on the form and parameters of the feedback.

A Standardized Hybrid Microgrid for LV Residential Areas
Bülent Dağ, M. Timur Aydemir
Gazi Üniversitesi
Abstract:A standardized hybrid microgrid structure is proposed to be applied in LV residential areas in this study. Simplified network model for test setup and possible research issues related to proposed microgrid are presented as well. A generalized control algorithm is also proposed for the grid side converter of renewable type distributed generation sources. Simulation results of the inverter controller response to load and input power step changes are shown to be at acceptable levels.

Simulation of UAVs Autonomously Approaching Certain Target using Dubins Algorithm
Teguh Bharata Adji, Indriana Hidayah, Ahmad Nasikun
Universitas Gadjah Mada
Abstract:UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) have been increasingly popular for both civil and military applications because of UAVs are more efficient in cost and less risky for human. This research aims to provide a 3-D (3-Dimension) simulation of UAV heading to a certain target, using Dubins algorithm and linear programming. Dubins algorithm is used to control horizontal (x and y coordinate) position of UAV. The outcome of this research is 3-D simulation of path planning of UAVs heading toward a certain target. UAVs can fly from its initial position to reach certain final location using Dubins Algorithms. Such modeling and simulation is conducted using Logic Brick and Blender Python in Blender Game Engine (BGE) provided by Blender 2.56.

State Observer in Networked Control Systems with Variable Delay in Both Forward and Feedback Channels
Department of Electrical Engineering Sahand University of Technology Tabriz, Iran
Abstract:This paper concerns with the problem of state observer design for discrete linear time-invariant systems where sensor measurements and control actions are transmitted via a communication network. Variable delay is considered in the Networked Control System (NCS) model to represent both of the data packet latency and dropout. The dynamics of observer is described in the switched systems’ framework. Then, the issue of observer design is regarded as the stabilization problem of a switched system. Sufficient condition is derived to determine observer gain in terms of Bilinear Matrix Inequality (BMI). Numerical example is utilized to demonstrate the efficiency of this scheme.

15:00 - 16:00
Investigation on the Propulsion Methods for Swimming Autonomous Micro Robots in Channels
Ahmet Fatih Tabak, Serhat Yesilyurt
Sabancı Üniversitesi
Abstract:Swimming micro-robots should mimic micro-organisms. Bacteria and spermatozoa propel themselves with active structures which are carrying out travelling plane waves, or rotated by bacterial motors and take helical forms. We studied helical and planar wave propagating tails towing large payloads while confined to large cylindrical channels, with CFD-models. Next, we built a cm-scale on-board powered untethered bio-inspired robot with a helical tail, and conducted experiments in silicone-oil filled channels. Furthermore, we implemented a simple-model that solves the rigid-body equations with fluid forces obtained from local resistive force coefficients, without acceleration terms. Model is verified by the CFD-model and conducted experiments. Finally, we simulated a PI-control algorithm to predict necessary motor current while the swimmer is moving against upstream.

Eylemsizlik Duyucu Ünitelerinin Deterministik Hatalarının Modellenmesi
Görkem Seçer, Billur Barshan
Bilkent Üniversitesi
Abstract:Bu bildiride, bir uçuş hareket simülatörü kullanılarak farklı pozisyonlarda konumlandırılan iki farklı eylemsizlik duyucu ünitisinin deterministik kalibrasyon parametrelerinin bulunması anlatılmaktadır. İvmeölçerlerin deterministik hata parametreleri, yerçekimi ve referans açısal pozisyon verileri üzerinden klasik optimizasyon yöntemleri kullanılarak bulunmuştur. Dönüölçerlerin hata parametreleri ise referans açısal hız bilgisi mevcut olmadığı için literatürde bulunan yöntemlerden farklı şekilde sensör ölçümleri üzerinden açısal pozisyon hesaplanarak ve analitik bir modele bağlı olmayan optimizasyon algoritmaları (örn. parçacık sürü optimizasyonu) kullanılarak bulunmuştur. Elde edilen sonuçlar kullanılarak duyucuların ölçümlerin kalibre edildiğinde, referans ölçümlere kıyasla olan karesel hataların %95 oranında azaldığı görülmüştür.

Çoklu Robotlar ile Ortam Keşfetme
Bayram Akdeniz, Işıl Bozma
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi
Abstract:Geniş alanları içeren keşif amaçlı görevlerin çoklu robotlar tarafından yapılması, tek bir robot ile yapılan keşif işlemlerine göre hız ve güvenilirlik açısından önemli avantajlar sunmaktadır. Burada, önemli bir husus ne tür haritaların oluşturulacağıdır. Metrik haritalara alternatif olarak kullanılan topolojik haritalar, farklı yerlere ait çeşitli özellikleri kodlama temellidirler. Bu çerçevede önerilen baloncuk uzayı temelli haritalarda, farklı yerler baloncuklar ile kodlanmaktadır. Bir baloncuk yüzeyi, robot merkezli ve S2 temelli olarak, belli bir özniteliğin nerelerde görüldüğünü kodlamaktadır.Keşif işlemlerinde hareket yönünün belirlenmesi önemli bir yer tutar. Bu çalışmada ilk olarak,baloncuk yüzeylerinin, robotların keşif işlemi boyunca hareketlerinin belirlenmesinde nasıl kullanılması gerektiği üzerinde odaklanılmaktadır.Bununla birlikte her robot diğerleri ile koordine olup keşif işlemini optimize etmelidirler . Çalışmada odaklanılan ikinci husus, bu konuda bir strateji geliştirilmesidir.

15:00 - 16:00
Fiber Lazer Diyotlu Düşük Kayıplı Özel Kesme Sisteminin Tasarımı ve Geliştirilmesi
Pelin Süle
Uludağ Üniversitesi
Abstract:Fiber laser-cut resonators, the quality of laser cutting systems, cutting costs and the best of the best-known as a low-maintenance systems. Electronic, mechanical, and defense industry is also possible to use fiber laser work area should be developed in the future is clear. In such fields as medical and aerospace research and development continues to be used in the future. Thanks to cooperation with universities and industry will bring a new technology, new discoveries in the country.

High Q-factor Optical Resonances in the Elastic Scattering from Silicon Microspheres
Mohammed Sharif Murib, Ali Serpenguzel
Koc University
Abstract:A single mode optical fiber half coupler is used to couple the electromagnetic wave from a continuous wave 1.4 m tunable near-infrared diode laser to a silicon microsphere with a radius of 500 m and refractive index of 3.5. MDR’s are analyzed for transverse electrically and transverse magnetically polarized light in the elastic scattering and transmission spectra from the microsphere. Optical resonances with quality factors on the order of 106 are obtained in the elastic scattering spectra from the microsphere. As a result, silicon microspheres could be used as resonant cavity enhanced (RCE) optoelectronic devices in the near-infrared wavelength region as well as other applications in linear, nonlinear and quantum optics.

Elastic Light Scattering and Optoelectronic Response of Spherical Silicon Microresonators
Ulas Sabahattin Gokay, Ali Serpenguzel
Koc Universitesi
Abstract:Optoelectronic whispering gallery mode (WGM) microresonators have been in the focus of photonics for the last decades. Recent developments indicate that silicon microresonator assisted narrowband optoelectronic modulators can be realized. In this study, a tunable semiconductor laser coupled to a silica optical fiber half coupler excites the WGM’s of a silicon microsphere in the near-infrared telecommunication bands. The resonant and the non-resonant elastic scattering form the silicon microresonator are collected and the optoelectronic properties are studied. The elastic scattering spectra exhibits high quality factor WGM’s. The optoelectronic response of the silicon microsphere has diode characteristics.

Design of Metamaterial-Based THz Absorbers
Seyedehayda Sadeghzadeh
Bogazici University
Abstract:Recently, there has been a significant interest in Terahertz technology, for its applications in detection of concealed objects and medical imaging. Among different metamaterial configurations, Split Ring Resonator (SRR)- can be used to create narrowband waveplates at THz frequencies. In this work we have designed double-ring SRR structures. For simplicity, SRR prototypes are designed in mm-size resulting resonance peaks at 3.7GHz, 4.3 GHz, 5.9 GHz and 7.4 GHz. The fabricated SRRs are placed between two patch antennas and experimental characterization is done by a vector network analyzer. Simultaneous minimization of Ttransmission (S21) and Reflection (S11) at a certain frequency band, play a crucial role in obtaining high absorption coefficient.We employ the same design methodology for the design of THz absorber.

Elastic Light Scattering from Spheroidal Microresonators
Ersin Hüseyinoğlu, Ali Serpengüzel
Koç University
Abstract:Optical microresonators are gaining an important role in a variety of applications. Lightwave circuits are already using these optical microresonators. These lightwave circuits can easily upgrade their electronic counterparts, using the well-developed complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) process technology. This work covers simulation and analysis of the elastic light scattering from various geometries such as microslabs, microcylinders, microspheres, and microspheroids. Absorption, extinction, and scattering efficiencies as well as elastic scattering intensities are calculated and analyzed for these microresonators. The resulting morphology dependent resonances (MDRs), which are apparent in the elastic scattering spectra, can have novel applications in photonic lightwave circuits.

Design of an Optical Microring Resonator Based Ultrasound Detector for Imaging Purposes
Telman Raoufiirani, Ali Rostami, Okyay Kaynak, Seyed Mahdi Rezaei
Bogazici University
Abstract:In many applications such as medical imaging systems there is a growing demand to internal imaging devices. The most known application of these approaches is Intravascular Ultrasound system. Despite being very successful in medical applications, it is not compatible with industrial uses. Some industrial applications use optical sensors; although there is a great demand for new imaging micro sensors. Optical micro ring resonators have shown a great capability in many different fields such as being used as pressure and ultrasound sensors. We use an array of optical micro ring resonators and we show the feasibility of such a sensor using Matlab simulations. This paper deal with the receiver part only and whole sensor structure and packaging remains to another research.

15:00 - 16:00
Inter- and Intra-Subject Variations in Activity Recognition Using Inertial Sensors and Magnetometers
Aras Yurtman, Billur Barshan
Bilkent University
Abstract:Data acquired from five sensory units mounted on the human body, each containing a tri-axial accelerometer, gyroscope, and magnetometer, during 19 different human activities is used to calculate inter-subject and inter-activity variations. Absolute, Euclidean, and dynamic time-warping distances are used to assess the similarity of the signals. The comparisons are made using the raw and normalized time-domain data, raw and normalized feature vectors. Firstly, inter-subject distances are averaged out per activity and per subject. Based on these values, the “best” subject is identified according to his average distance to the others. Then, the average inter-activity distances per subject, per unit, and per sensor are presented. Effects of removing the mean and the different distance measures on the results are discussed.

İnsan Hareketlerinin Vibrasyon ve PIR Algılayıcıları Kullanılarak Sınıflandırılması
Ahmet Yazar, B. Ugur Töreyin, A. Enis Çetin
Bilkent Üniversitesi
Abstract:Yalnız yaşayan yaşlı ve bakıma muhtaç kişilerin yere düşmelerinin kısa sürede tespit edilmesi önemli bir sorundur. Bu çalışmada, sismik ve pasif kızılberisi algılayıcılar kullanarak, belirli bir alanda yere düşme olayının tespit edilebilmesi için bir yöntem önerilmiştir. Sınıflandırma amacıyla, hızlı Fourier dönüşümü, mel-frekansı kepstral katsayıları ve ayrık dalgacık dönüşümü teknikleri kullanılarak farklı öznitelik vektörleri çıkarılmıştır. Sismik işaretler, destek vektör makineleri ile ‘düşme’ ve ‘düşme değil’ olarak iki farklı sınıfa ayrılmıştır. Pasif kızılberisi algılayıcının, belirli bir alanda hareket eden bir kişiyi tespit etmesinden sonra, sismik algılayıcının ve pasif kızılberisi algılayıcının kararları tümleştirilerek kişinin düşüp düşmediği tespit edilmektedir. Önerdiğimiz sistem gerçek zamanlı olarak standart bir bilgisayarda çalışabilmektedir.

EKG Sinyali Kullanılarak Paroksismal Atriyal Fibrilasyon Başlangıcı Tahmini
İrem Hilavin
Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi
Abstract:Elektrokardiyografi (EKG) sinyali kullanılarak paroksismal atriyal fibrilasyon (PAF) başlangıcı tahmin edilmeye çalışılmaktadır. EKG sinyalinin lineer olmayan özellikleri kullanılmıştır. Kalp hızı değişkenliği (KHD) ve Poincare haritası kullanılarak tahmin için gerekli öznitelikler bulunmaya çalışılmaktadır. Kompleks korelasyon ölçütü ve RR aralık dizisi frekans spektrumundan elde edilen ölçütler kullanılan özniteliklerdir. Çok boyutlu öznitelikler arasından ayırıcı olanları bulmak için U-matris kullanılmaktadır. En yakın k komşu sınıflandırıcısı ile aritmi başlayıp başlamayacağı tahmin edilmeye çalışılmaktadır.

Active Noise Cancellation Investigation for Motor Noise of a Car
Erdem Uğur, Mustafa Seçmen, Nalan Özkurt
Yasar Universitesi
Abstract:Tap length and step size are two important parameters of LMS filter. These parameters are fixed at most of applications. But, selecting fixed them cause conflicts between convergence speed and steady state. Conversely, finding ideal tap length and step size increases the computational cost. Scope of this work is cancelling motor noise of a car for driver. So, applicable algorithms in real time and have higher performance were investigated and simulated. As a result of simulations, better performance than classical LMS and less computational complexity than higher performance algorithms are obtained. But variable step size and variable tap length algorithms can’t be combined at an algorithm because of increasing computational complexity enormously and it isn’t suitable to real time applications.

Zorlanmış Osilasyon Tekniği İle Solunum Sisteminin Modellenmesi
İstanbul Üniversitesi
Abstract:Zorlanmış Osilasyon Tekniği (Forced Oscillation Technique - FOT) solunum sistemi mekaniği ölçme yöntemidir. Bu yöntem hastanın solunum sisteminin düşük genlikli salınımlar ile uyarılmasını, havayolu gaz akış hızı (Q) ve havayolu gaz basıncı (P) sinyallerinin ölçülmesini ve solunum sistemi modellerinin bu ölçülen sinyallere uydurulmasını içerir. FOT sistemi iki dinamik ve doğrusal olmayan salınım kaynaklarının birleşimidir: solunum sistemi ve genellikle hoparlör ile oluşturulan elektro-mekanik vibratör. Bu nedenle, FOT sinyalleri adını verdiğimiz Q, P ve hoparlör sürücü sinyali, V arasındaki doğrusal bağımlılık istatistiksel değerlendirilmede ilk araştırılması gereken konudur. Bu çalışmada ilk olarak FOT sistemi donamımsal ve yazılımsal olarak gerçekleştirilmiş, sigara içen ve içmeyen kişilerden 0.3 – 5 Hz arasında uyarılma ile FOT sinyalleri ölçülmüştür. Solunumum gücünün FOT salınımlarından ayrı tayin edilebilmesi amacıyla solunum gazının sıcaklığı da (T) ölçümlere dahil edilmiştir. İki sinyal arasındaki doğrusal ilişkinin derecesini gösteren korelasyon katsayısı, FOT sinyalleri ve sıcaklık sinyalleri arasında hesaplanmış ve uyarılma frekansına göre değişimi gösterilmiştir. Bu bulgular ışığında, Q ile P arasında düşük frekanslardaki yüksek korelasyon katsayısı (0.8 ile 1 arasında) uyarılma frekansı arttıkça azalmaktadır. V ile Q arasında görülen çok düşük korelasyon katkasıyısı (ortalamada 0.5 den daha az) hoparlörün doğrusal olmayan özelliklerine işaret eder.

Macedonian Text-to-Speech Synthesis Based on Quasi-Diphones
Branislav Gerazov
Ss Cyril and Methodius
Abstract:The work presents the design and realization of a high-quality Text-to-Speech (TTS) system built for Macedonian. The system is based on the paradigm of concatenative synthesis. It uses a mixed rank Unit Inventory, based on a novel type of unit named quasi-diphone, which allows for the optimization of the inventory size in respect to the synthesized speech quality. The system’s seven different modules are based on a sum of original solutions and algorithms especially designed for the specifics of Macedonian TTS synthesis, such as text analysis, intonation modeling, and accent placement. Moreover, the modules can easily be adapted and implemented into TTS systems made for other languages, as well.

Uyarmalı Çoklu Hızlı İşaret İşleme Yöntemleriyle İşaretlerin Geri Elde Edilmesi
Korhan Cengiz, Cevat Erdal
Namık Kemal Universitesi
Abstract:Bu çalışmada özbağlanımlı süreçten oluşturulmuş rasgele işaret girişe uygulanmış, farklı ölçüm gürültüleri altında çoklu hızlı LMS ve çoklu hızlı NLMS algoritmaları kullanılarak girişe uygulanan işaretin kestirilmesi işlemi gerçekleştirilmiştir. Girişe uygulanan ikinci işaret ise, stereo ses işaretinin bir kanalına ait bileşenlerini içeren işarettir. Yapılan benzetimler sonucunda, NLMS algoritması, farklı işaret dizilerinde, farklı gürültü seviyelerinde LMS algoritmasına göre daha hızlı yakınsama sağlamış ve daha düşük ortalama karesel hataya sahip olmuştur. Sonuç olarak bütün durumlar için NLMS algoritması, LMS algoritmasından daha yüksek bir performans sağlamıştır.

Sıralayıcı Algoritmalarla Ayırıcı Dil Modelleme için Boyut Azaltma ve Veri Örnekleme Yaklaşımları
Erinç Dikici, Murat Semerci, Murat Saraçlar, Ethem Alpaydın
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi
Abstract:Bir otomatik konuşma tanıma (OKT) sistemi akustik veriyi ve dil özelliklerini kullanarak konuşulan sözceye karşılık gelen olası kelime dizileri (hipotezler) için birer tanıma skoru belirler. Ayırıcı dil modellemenin (ADM) amacı kelime hata sayısı en düşük olan hipotezin OKT çıktısı olarak döndürülmesini sağlayacak düzenlemeleri yapmaktır. Bu çalışmada Türkçe için ADM üzerinde durulmuş, biçimbirim tabanlı bir öznitelik kümesi kullanılmıştır. Hipotez seçmeye dayalı algılayıcının yanı sıra sıralayıcı algılayıcı ve sıralayıcı DVM teknikleri uygulanmış ve başarımları karşılaştırılmıştır. Öznitelik vektörü boyutunu azaltmak amacıyla çevrimiçi temel bileşen analizi; algoritmanın işlemsel verimini ve sistemin gürbüzlüğünü artırmak adına da çeşitli veri örnekleme yaklaşımları önerilmiştir. Temel algılayıcı başarımına göre p<0.001 seviyesinde anlamlı olacak şekilde kelime hata oranında %0.4’lük bir iyileştirme elde edilmiştir.

Model Based Bayesian Curve Approximation
Y.Cem Sübakan, Bülent Sankur, Ceyhun Burak Akgül
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi
Abstract:In this work, we approach the piecewise curve approximation problem with a model-based probabilistic framework. For this purpose, we propose three different models. These models can be used for extracting features or compressing planar or space curves. The fi rst model is a variant of the standard Bayesian regression model where we parametrically learn the design matrix from data. The second model approaches the problem as a clustering problem. The third model adds temporal connectivity to the second model and combines Hidden Markov models with linear regression. Since these models unify the mentioned paradigms, we believe that this work may be interesting from the Bayesian modeling perspective, besides the usefulness of the proposed models for curve approximation applications.

Signal Processing Techniques for Cooperative Communication Networks
Hasan Kartlak, Niyazi Odabasioglu, Aydin Akan
Istanbul University
Abstract:The rapid expansion of wireless communication facilities causes to increase complexity of the systems that make communication possible. The problem of managing these complex systems with a large number of adjustable parameters becomes much more difficult than conventional methods can solve. Cooperative communication networks are still a very new issue for research and development. For complete known and reliable communication over a wireless network, there are still technical and economic challenges. Signal processing plays an important role in cooperative communication networks. The purpose of this study is to produce a solution to these challenges with the help of signal processing techniques existing cooperative networks. Our study came to a certain stage and still continued our research.

A Structured Sparse Decomposition Method for Audio Signals
Ömer Deniz Akyıldız, İlker Bayram
Istanbul Technical University
Abstract:Structured sparse methods enable to obtain special structures in time-frequency representations of audio signals. By using proper regularization terms, which also correspond to proper priors for audio signals, special structures such as tonal and/or transient parts of an audio signal can be obtained. In our work, we employ `mixed norm analysis priors' as our signal priors, i.e. regularization terms, and achieve tonal/transient decomposition of an audio signal. This simple model leads to a convex optimization problem. We solve this convex optimization problem with a coordinate-descent approach by using denoising algorithm which is developed before.

Capacity and Power Allocation for Underwater Acoustic Channel with ISI
Hatef Nouri, Murat Uysal
Özyeğin University
Abstract:Underwater wireless communication has recently attracted much attention due to the wide range of applications including offshore oil field exploration, oceanographic data collection, and maritime archaeology among others. Although there exists a rich literature on information theoretical analysis of terrestrial radio-frequency wireless networks, sporadic efforts have been reported for underwater wireless networks. In this paper, we investigate information theoretical performance of point-to-point underwater acoustic (UWA) systems with intersymbol interference. Under the assumptions of sparse and frequency-selective Rician fading channel and non-white correlated Gaussian ambient noise, we derive an expression for UWA channel capacity which we later use to optimize the input signaling through optimal power allocation. We further demonstrate the effect of several system and environmental parameters on the capacity.

Competitive Regularized Least Squares Problems with Bounded Data Uncertainties
Nargiz Kalantarova, Mehmet A. Donmez, and Suleyman S. Kozat
Koç Üniversitesi
Abstract:We study robust regularized least squares (RGLS) problems with bounded data uncertainties in which the worst-case regret is minimized. We demonstrate robust RGLS problem can be put in an SDP form and provide numerical examples.

EEG İşaretleri için Fraktal Boyutlarda En Kısa Öznitelik Eldesi
İ. S. Büyükyılmaz, R. Akdeniz, H. Demir
Namık Kemal Üniversitesi
Abstract:Bu çalışmada, Elektroensefalografi (EEG) işaretlerinin öznitelikleri farklı fraktal boyutları elde edilerek, farklı sınıflayıcılar için en kısa öznitelik vektörü elde edilmeye çalışılmıştır. EEG işaretleri PhysioNet veritabanından alınmıştır. Öncelikle veritabanındaki tüm ölçümler ve Dalgacık katsayıları için farklı fraktal boyutları hesaplanmıştır. Petrosian, Higuchi, Katz, Sevcik fraktal boyutları kullanılmıştır. Elde edilen fraktal boyut değerlerinin, farklı sayıda doğrusal birleşimleri kullanılarak öznitelik vektörleri oluşturulmuştur. Elde edilen öznitelik vektörleri yapay sinir ağları, destek vektör makinaları ve en yakın k-komşu yöntemleri kullanılarak sınıflandırılmıştır. Sınıflandırma algoritmaları için en kısa öznitelik vektörleri elde edilmeye çalışılmıştır.

Elektronik Gırtlak Konuşmasının İyileştirilmesi
Namık Kemal Üniversitesi

Human Activity Recognition Using Tag-Based Radio Frequency Localization
Aras Yurtman, Billur Barshan
Bilkent Üniversitesi
Abstract:This paper provides a comparative study on the different techniques of classifying human activities using a tag-based radio-frequency (RF) localization system. Non-uniformly-sampled data containing position measurements of the tags on the body is first converted to a uniformly-sampled one using different curve-fitting algorithms. Then, the data is partitioned into segments. Finally, various classification techniques are applied to classify human activities. Curve-fitting, segmentation, and classification methods are compared using different cross-validation techniques and the combination resulting in the best performance is presented. The results indicate that the system demonstrates acceptable performance despite the fact that tag-based RF localization is not very accurate.

Effects of Channel Estimation Error in AN-aided Beamforming
Özge Cepheli, Güneş Karabulut Kurt
İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
Abstract:Transmit signal beamforming and artificial noise (AN) concepts are generally based on improving legitimate receivers' probability of interception while lowering that of eavesdroppers. Artificial noise (AN) is being deployed in many recent physical layer security approaches in collaboration with beamforming techniques to enhance security of wireless channels. In this study, we show that the effect of channel estimation error is significant for AN-aided QoS based beamforming designs. We also propose a threshold determination strategy to improve the robustness of the system against channel estimation errors and we show associated benefits to the system stability via simulation results. This has enabled us to remarkably reduce the outage rate that channel estimation error causes.

A Novel Full-Body Wireless Wearable UWB-Based Human Locomotion Tracking and Gait Analysis System
Heba Shaban, M. Abou El-Nasr, R. M. Buehrer
Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport (AASTMT)
Abstract:This work proposes and investigates a novel full-body wearable human motion capture and gait analysis system based on wireless ultra wideband (UWB) radios. The proposed system has many attractive features, and outperforms existing highly accurate optical tracking and wearable gait analysis and locomotion tracking systems. The proposed system is capable of providing a ranging accuracy of 1.1 mm (ten times better than the accuracy reported for current optical tracking systems). The corresponding localization accuracy is approximately 0.47 mm (1 mm and sub-millimeter for current systems). The reported accuracy for UWB-based systems is 400 mm. Ultimately, the proposed system is suitable for taking continuous highly accurate real-time measurements required for clinical gait analysis and tele-rehabilitation.

Tam-Çift Yönlü Sistemlerde Kanal Kestirim Hatalarının İncelenmesi
Semiha Tedik, Güneş Karabulut Kurt
İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
Abstract:Tam-çift yönlü radyolardaki temel problem kullanıcının verici anteninden yayılan ışımaların kendi alıcı antenine ulaşmasıdır. Alıcı antene ulaşan bu işaretler öz-girişim kanalının zaman yayılımlı olması nedeniyle alınmak istenen işaretin yanında ihmal edilemeyecek kadar güçlü simgeler arası girişim terimleri oluşturur. Bu durumdan kaçınmak amacıyla sistemin örnekleme hızının artırılması gerekmektedir. Örnekleme hızı öz-girişim kanalının uzunluğundan küçük olduğunda girişim terimleri tamamen yok edilemeyeceği için yüksek işaret-gürültü oranlarında gürültü gücü azalıp girişim gücü sabit kaldığı için hata başarım eğrileri işaret-girişim oranı değerinden sonra azalmaz. Eğer alıcıdaki örnekleme hızı en az öz-girişim kanalı uzunluğuna eşit olursa, bu kanala ait tüm bileşenler alıcıda tahmin edilebileceğinden dolayı girişim terimleri tamamen ortadan kalkar ve sistemin hata başarımı referans hata başarım değerlerine eşit olur.

Technical program Plenary Talks Poster Session 1 Poster Session 2 Poster Session 3 Poster Session 4



09:30 - 10:30
Combined Formation Control and Path Planning for Mobile Robot Networks
Semih Cemil Dumlu, Mehmet Akar
Boğaziçi University
Abstract:In this study, formation control and path planning algorithms in mobile robot networks are examined for both fixed and dynamically changing interaction topologies. The system is modelled using graph-based framework. Based on this model, well-established algebraic graph theoretic results are employed to examine graph-based formation control for point mass holonomic and real omnidirectional robotic networks. In addition, path planning using potential fields that enables a leader as well as followers avoid obstacles in the environment while maintaining formation is analyzed. Subsequently, performance of the combined path planning and distributed formation control algorithms including saturated velocity control inputs is examined by the help of numerical simulations and it is verified that all followers reach and maintain the formation while avoiding obstacles.

Üç Boyutlu Ortam Haritalandırılması ve Anlamlandırılması
A. Cumhur Arslan, H. Işıl Bozma
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi
Abstract:Özellikle son yıllarda otonom robotlar ve sensörlerin altında yatan teknoloji hızla gelişmektedir. Çevresel bilgiler üç boyutlu olarak – lazer tarayıcılar ve 3B kameralar ile – neredeyse gerçek zamanda ve göreceli olarak küçük hatalarla edinilebilmektedir. Bu gelişmeler, robotların çevresel yapılarıyla ilgili değerli bilgilere sahip olmasına olanak sağlamaktadır. Ancak, üç boyutlu verilerin depolanması ve sonraki süreçlerde kullanılabilmesi için daha üst seviyede bir anlamlandırmaya ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. Bu projede, yerel verilerin birleştirilmesi, birleştirilen verilerin birbirleriyle uyumlu bir biçimde tümleştirilerek ortamın haritalandırılması ve haritadaki bilgilerin anlamsal olarak analizi amaçlanmaktadır. Önerilen harita modeli metrik ve topolojik özellikli karma bir yapıya sahip olacaktır. Koridor gibi birbirine özellik ve şekil itibarı ile benzerliğinden dolayı algılanması ve anlamlandırılması göreceli olarak zor ortamların diğer ortamlarla birlikte haritalandırılması hedeflenmektedir.

Eylemsizlik Duyucu Ünitelerinin Stokastik Hatalarının Modellenmesi
Görkem Seçer, Billur Barshan
Bilkent Üniversitesi
Abstract:Bu bildiride, en büyük olabilirlik kestirimine dayanarak eylemsizlik duyucularının hata modellemesi yapılmaktadır. Önerilen yöntemin denenmesi amacıyla iki farklı eylemsizlik ölçüm ünitesinden dört farklı günde eş zamanlı olarak veri toplanmıştır. Toplanan verilerin işlenmesi aşamasında, öncelikle verilerin içerisinde bulunan eylemsizlik duyucularının çıkışlarının sıcaklığa bağlı değişimi kompanse edilmiştir. Daha sonra, kompanse edilmiş verilerin, Allan varyans ve en büyük olabilirlik kestirimi yöntemleri kullanılarak gürültü karakterizasyonu yapılmıştır. Yapılan testlerin sonucunda, önerilen yöntemin literatürde sıklıkla kullanılan Allan varyans yöntemine kıyasla daha az veri toplanarak gürültü karakterizasyonunu daha yüksek doğrulukla sağlayabildiği ve tekrarlanan deneyler için daha tutarlı sonuçlar verdiği görülmüştür.

Robots in Our Body: Dream or Reality?
Fatma Zeynep Temel, Serhat Yesilyurt
Sabanci University
Abstract:Swimming microrobots have great potential in biomedical applications such as targeted drug delivery, medical diagnosis, and destroying blood clots. Inspired by swimming microorganisms, microrobots can move with helical tails attached to their body. Although many studies exist in literature about examining motion of micro organisms, behavior of swimming microrobots in channels is not yet well understood. In order to design and navigate microrobots, characteristics of flows need to be understood in detail, in terms of characterizing behavior of microrobot with respect to swimming parameters, such as helical pitch, helical tail radius and rotation frequency, determining the trajectory of the microrobot inside a channel using theoretical models and analyzing the flow using micro Particle Image Velocimetry(μPIV) and Computational Fluid Dynamics(CFD) models.

09:30 - 10:30
Plücker Koordinatlarda Hızlı Işın İzleme Kullanarak Radar Kesit Alanı (RKA) Tahmini
Nilgün Altın, Erdem Yazgan
Hacettepe Üniversitesi
Abstract:Işın izlemeye dayanan Seken Işın Yöntemi (SIY) yüksek frekans bölgesinde keyfi olarak şekillendirilmiş hedeflerin RKA hesaplanmasında kullanılmaktadır. Büyük hedefler genellikle çok sayıda üçgensel plakalar kullanılarak modellenir. Bu çalışmada, ışın-üçgen kesişim testini hızlandırmak amacıyla, SIY yönteminde ışın izleme kısmında Plücker koordinatları kullanılmıştır. Plücker koordinatları kullanılarak gerçekleştirilen ışın-üçgen kesişim testi literatürde yaygın olarak kullanılan Möller-Trumbore ve Badouel yöntemleriyle karşılaştırılmıştır. Işın-üçgen kesişim testinde Plücker koordinatları kullanıldığında RKA hesaplama zamanının diğer ışın-üçgen kesişim testi yöntemlerine göre oldukça azaldığı gösterilmiştir.

60 GHz CMOS Geniş Bant Darbe Alıcısı
Berk Omuz, Ahmet Öncü
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi
Abstract:Kısa mesafe Gbps kablosuz haberleşme sistemleri son yıllarda ilgi çekmeye başlamıştır. UWB’de üretilen düşük güç tüketimli alıcı/verici yapıları sayesinde Gbps mertebesinde veri iletişimi sağlamak mümkün olmuştur. UWB’nin yanı sıra 60 GHz bandı da 7 GHz’lik bant genişliği ve daha fazla iletim gücüne izin vermesi sebebi ile kısa mesafeli iletişimler için yeni bir alternatif oluşturmuştur. Ayrıca 60 GHz bandındaki oksijen zayıflatması da kısa mesafe güvenli haberleşme için kullanımını yaygınlaştırmıştır. Bu sebeple 60 GHz de geniş bant darbe alıcıları önem kazanmıştır. Alıcı yapısının temel bloklarından olan detektörün CMOS uyumlu olarak ve özel üretim tekniklerine gerek kalmadan gerçeklenebilmesi önemlidir. Bunu başarmak için, CMOS cihazların nonlineer özelliklerinden faydalanarak bir dedektör devresi önerilmiştir.

Simulation of Combined Data and Angle of Attack Computer
Celal Zaim Çil, Rafet Ilğın, Mehmet Mustafa Karabulut
Çankaya Üniversitesi
Abstract:In this study, a Combined Air Data System on a standard PC without a real interface is designed. In its current form, a Combined Air Data System on an aircraft is composed of two different elements, one being the Air DataComputer and the other being the Angle of Attack System. Therefore the designed Combined Air Data System combines both functionalities in an integral manner on a card, which reduces the volume, weight, power consumption, and cost.

Güvenlik Maksatlı Sürekli Dalga Doppler Radar Alıcı Tasarımı
Ahmet Yaman, Ersin Göse, Ahmet Öncü
Hava Harp Okulu
Abstract:Radar sistemleri, gün ışığından bağımsız çalışma, meteorolojik olaylardan optik sistemlere nazaran daha az etkilenmeleri sebeplerinden dolayı güvenlik uygulamalarında tercih edilmektedir. Bu akademik çalışmada tasarımı planlan yüksek hassasiyetli doppler alıcısında, çalışma frekansındaki gürültünün çözülmesi ve çevre etkilerinin minimize edilmesi planlanmaktadır. Vericiden gelen yüksek frekanstaki kaçağın engellenmesi problemi üzerinde çalışılacaktır. Ayrıca alıcı verici arasındaki girişimin minimize edilmesi sağlanacaktır. Bu amaçlar için kullanılacak en uygun düşük gürültü yükselteci (Low Noise Amplifier) tasarımı amaçlanmaktadır.

Güvenlik Maksatlı Sürekli Dalga Doppler Radar Verici Tasarımı
Emre Elibol, Ersin Göse, Ahmet Öncü
Hava Harp Okulu
Abstract:Günümüzde belirli bölgelerin, yerlerin güvenliğinin sağlanması amacıyla video kameralar, sismik, akustik veya diğer sensörler ve bazı yüksek teknolojiler kullanılmaktadır. Bu metotlardaki yoğun hesaba dayalı analizler, hava şartları vb. faktörler insan tespitini zorlaştırmaktadır.Radarlar ise insan tespitinde daha avantajlı sistemlerdir. Radarlar hedefleri çok uzak mesafelerden, gerçek zamanlı olarak, gece veya gündüz, her türlü hava şartında tespit edebilme yeteneğine sahiptir. Biz tez çalışmamızda sürekli dalga doppler radarın verici kısmını tasarlayacağız. Amacımız sürekli dalgada güç üretmek ve verici antenden göndermek. Burada çözmemiz gereken problemler; yüksek RF güç üretmek, bu gücü iki hatta bölerek bir hattı referans olarak alıcıya diğer hattı ise antene göndermek ve alıcı verici arasındaki yalıtımı iyi bir şekilde yapabilmektir.

Güvenlik Maksatlı Sürekli Dalga Doppler Radar Anten Tasarımı
Kadir Özenç, Ahmet Öncü, Emre Aydemir
Hava Harp Okulu
Abstract:Bu çalışmada, güvenlik maksatlı sürekli dalga doppler radar sistemleri için kullanılması düşünülen iki ayrı alıcı-verici mikroşerit yama anten dizisi tasarlanması planlanmaktadır. Bu antenlerin, üretim aşamasındaki ucuzluğu, küçük olmaları ve kolayca entegre devre yapılara uyum sağlayabilmesi tercih nedeni olmuştur. Anten tasarımı esnasında, yüksek kazanc, yüksek çözünürlük, yönlülük ve yan/arka lobların küçük tutulmasının yanısıra alıcı-verici antenlerin enterferansta bulunmamaları için iyi bir şekilde izole elde edilmesi amaçlanmıştır.

09:30 - 10:30
Frequency Domain Analysis Approach in Detecting Shrew DDoS Attacks
Ramin Fadaei Fouladi, Tina Seifpoor, Derya Erhan, Emin Anarim
Bogazici University
Abstract:Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) has become one of the major threats to Internet services. One type of DDoS attacks which can be more detrimental than the others is the Shrew attack. TCP traffics exhibit a periodicity on its PSD (Power Spectrum Density) when the packet arrival rate is analyzed in frequency domain. Thus, the lack of periodicity could indicate that DoS attacks are going on. Examining the frequency domain characteristics of incoming traffic flows to a server can be used to detect the attacks. In this study, we propose a detection algorithm that identifies shrew attacks by investigating the frequency spectrum distribution. We estimate the PSD of the arrival packets with parametric method.

Statistical Filtering Against DoS/DDoS Attack
Tina Seifpoor, Ramin Fadaei Fouladi, Derya Erhan, Emin Anarım
Boğaziçi University
Abstract:A DDoS (Distributed Denial-Of-Service) attack is a distributed, large-scale attempt by malicious users to flood the victim network with an enormous number of packets. One of the main mechanisms against DDoS is filtering, which can help to mitigate attacks and stop the unwanted traffic from reaching the victim .It is critical to identify attack packets from legitimate Internet traffic, and further filter them when a DDoS attack occurs. This is accomplished with selecting several statistical features defined according to the behavior of the traffic at routers and comparing the current traffic profile with the normal traffic to detect. Additionally a bloom filter has been used which only requires a small quantity of memory within small processing time.

Detecting Fall Events based on Motion History and Shape Change on a Multi-Camera Network
Güney Kayım, Ceyhun Burak Akgül
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi
Abstract:One of the greatest risk for seniors is to fall when they are alone. Detection of the fall event and early intervention minimizes the effect of the fall. The fall event could be observed without necessity of a companion thanks to advances in computer vision. This paper aims to detect the fall events using information received from motion history and shape change. Additionally, the effect of multi-camera network to this approach is analyzed.

Pasif Optik Ağlar ve Uygulamaları
Özge Güre, N. Özlem Ünverdi
Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi
Abstract:İletişim teknolojilerinde optik haberleşmenin önemi, data, ses ve video hizmetlerinin son kullanıcıya en verimli şekilde ulaştırılması yönüyle hızla artmaktadır. Özellikle günümüzde pasif optik ağlar, optik çevrimdeki aktif elemanlar yerine pasif elemanların kullanmasıyla, yatırım ve bakım maliyetinin azalmasındaki katkılarından dolayı optik fiberin kullanıldığı erişim ağlarında önemli yere gelmişlerdir. Bu çalışmada, pasif optik ağların çeşitleri, çalışma prensibi ve uygulamaları incelenmiştir. Teorideki güç bütçesi hesabına uygun ve optik iletişim performansının artırılması için geliştirilebilecek olan topolojiler üzerinde çalışılmıştır. Yapılan çalışmalarda elde edilen BER grafikleri, güç, spektrum ve kazanç grafiklerinden yararlanılarak PON sistemine uygun yapılar incelenmiştir. Yapılan simulasyon ve laboratuvar çalışmalarıyla pasif optik ağ yapısının en verimli çalışma şekilleri belirlenmiştir.

Resource Allocation and Routing in Wireless Networks Using Rateless Codes
Ahmet Cihat Kazez, Tolga Girici
TOBB Ekonomi ve Teknoloji Üniversitesi
Abstract:In this study, routing and resource allocation problem is considered in wireless networks using mutual information accumulation. In addition, it is assumed that ideal rateless codes are used. By this way a node on routing path can accumulate transmission rates of previous nodes. Mutual information accumulation has significant advantages compared to classical cooperative schemes which use energy accumulation. To solve problem an optimization based approach is used, where the objective function is the total energy expenditure and the constraints are minimum mutual information required for each node and the maximum total transmission time. The optimal routing path is found using branch and bound technique. Obtained energy gains are measured by comparison with non-cooperative schemes.

Efficient Channel Estimation Technique for MIMO-OFDM System using NLMS Adaptive Receiver
M. A. Ahmed, S. A. Jimaa, I. Abualhaol
Khalifa University of Science, Technology and Research
Abstract:In WCs, multi-channel transmission is utilized to obtain high capacity and better throughput efficiency. Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) is considered as a spectrally efficient approach to do so. To realize OFDM, we have to maintain orthogonality between sub-channels using cyclic prefix. The simulated MIMO-OFDM system investigates the performance using an adaptive NLMS equalizer in the receiver to estimate the channel. The performances of using various values of the NLMS algorithm’s step-size were investigated and an optimum value was chosen, based on a trade-off between the convergence speed and the steady state Mean-Square-Error (MSE). Then, the bit error rate (BER) performance of the proposed NLMS adaptive receiver is compared with that of the conventional receiver.

Diversity Analysis of Hierarchical Modulation in Cooperative Systems
Ahmet Zahid Yalçın, Melda Yüksel
TOBB Ekonomi ve Teknoloji Üniversitesi
Abstract:In cooperative systems, hierarchical modulation is used to increase the system’s robustness and to send different information flows simultaneously. In cooperative systems which use hierarchical modulation, error propagation is the most important problem that prevents achieving full diversity gains. Mitigating error propagation and achieving full diversity for both primary and secondary bit flows depend on whether the relay forwards correct information or not. To ensure that the relay forwards correct information, the relay has to operate differently according to its received SNR. In this work, 3 different operation regions and related threshold values are determined so that full diversity can be achieved for both primary and secondary bit flows. Analytical and simulation results are provided to verify the diversity gains.

Multi-Level Security Based on Network Coding Against Black Hole Attack in Adhoc Networks
Amin Mohajer, Ali Payandeh, Mohamad Nabipour, Mohamad Ali Azimi
Malek-Ashtar University of Technology
Abstract:In this paper we try to detect and eliminate the black hole attack on data transmitting routes. Using an active tomography as a preprocessing stage, each node is informed about the upstream topology and link status of neighboring nodes. Each node checks the status of its neighbor nodes by using a survey step in RREQ and RREP packets exchange. In the evaluation stage, each node assigns a security point to its neighboring nodes in accordance with the number of receiving and transmitting packets. Thus each route will be assigned by a security point which is the total security points of its nodes. Vulnerable routes’ weakness is moderated in data transmission stage by network coding multi-level security packet transmitting.

Feature-Based Modulation Classification Algorithm for MPSK Signals Using an 8PSK Demodulator
Mohsen Farhang, Hosein Bahramgiri, Hamid Dehghani, Ali Ghaleh
Malek-Ashtar University of Technology
Abstract:In this paper a feature-based modulation classification algorithm is developed for discriminating PSK signals. The candidate modulation types are assumed to be BPSK, QPSK, OQPSK, π/4 DQOSK and 8PSK. The proposed method applies an 8PSK baseband demodulator in order to extract required features from observed symbols. The received signal with unknown modulation type is demodulated by an 8PSK demodulator whose output is considered as a finite state machine with different states and transitions for each candidate modulation. Estimated probabilities of all possible states and taransitions constitute a feature vector. A binary decision tree with four nodes, and an euclidean distance classifier at each node is used for pattern recognition stage.

Bit Manipulation Attacks to Ultra-lightweight RFID Authentication Protocols
Cihan Unsal, Emin Anarim, Imran Erguler
Bogaziçi Üniversitesi
Abstract:Recently, RFID authentication protocols called ultra-lightweight are proposed where only bitwise operations such as XOR, OR and addition mod 2n are used. Designers cannot use cryptographic primitives but simple bitwise operations leads to security gaps in protocol that accelerated interest and challange to design such protocols. In this study, we analyze security gaps of an improved ultralightweight RFID authentication protocol denoted by SLMAP* and an authentication protocol based on random partition represented by PRAP. It is shown that along with the changing messages attack, manipulating only one bit of the messages at both SLMAP* and PRAP causes successfull authentication but assigned differently random generated values that presumable causes a desynchronization.

A Sub-Graph Based Algorithm for Minimum-Cost QoS Using Network Coding
Amin Mohajer, Mohammad Amin Araghizadeh, Mohamadreza Zarif, Mohammad Nabipour
Malek-Ashtar University of Technology
Abstract:In this paper the problem of minimum-cost multicast with network coding is studied, while the maximum end-to-end parameters, such as delay, jitter, and packet-loss are assumed to be bounded. We present an algorithm that computes minimum-cost QoS flow subgraphs in network coded multicast networks. These subgraphs are minimum cost solutions that also satisfy user-specified QoS constraints. We also introduce an approach to acheive a lower bound on optimal solution. Simulation results shows that the modified simplex approach provides an efficient way for solving the problem, even for fairly large networks. The optimization numerical results confirmed that The optimal costs in this method are lower than the related costs in the method based on Delay-constrained Minimum Cost Multicast Tree (DMCMT) .

QoS Aware Cross-layer Routing Algorithms for 802.11 Multimedia Home Networks
Erdem Ulusoy, Ali Özer Ercan, Oğuz Sunay
Özyeğin Üniversitesi
Abstract:In this work, we develop centralized and distributed QoS-aware routing algorithms for 802.11s based home multimedia networks where nodes are access points, media servers and clients. Toward this end, a metric for different types of traffic will be devised. In congested networks, even good metrics may not solve delay and jitter problem for multimedia traffic. Assuming multimedia data is sent by media servers, priority queues will be assigned for packets sourced by media servers. Then QoS-aware routing algorithm that aims to maximize end user multimedia perceived quality and minimize the signaling overhead will be developed. Since wireless networks are dynamic, routes will be updated periodically. Developed algorithms will be simulated in realistic environments and tested in real-life test-beds.

The Impact of Multiplexing Multiple Bursty Sources in Packet-Based Networks
Murtadha M N Aldeer
State Co. for Internet Services - Ministry of Communications
Abstract:In this paper, we study the performance of four multiplexing algorithms for packet-based networks supporting multiple number of bursty sources. The bursty traffic parameters are fixed. The buffer is of constant size, divided into a set of buffer queues that vary in size as the number of sources varies. The multiplexing algorithms considered in this study are: round robin, random selection, weighted random selection and longest queue. The performance was measured via simulation against three metrics: average delay, delay variation and packet loss. Results reveal that there is no single best multiplexing algorithm across all metrics. With respect to packet delay, round robin and random selection algorithms have outperformed. The longest queue algorithm is best with respect to packet loss.

Technical program Plenary Talks Poster Session 1 Poster Session 2 Poster Session 3 Poster Session 4


Ali N. Akansu
New Jersey Institute of Technology

BIO: Ali N. Akansu received the B.S. degree from the Technical University of Istanbul, Turkey, the M.S. and Ph.D degrees from the Polytechnic University, Brooklyn, New York, all in Electrical Engineering. Since 1987, he has been with the New Jersey Institute of Technology, where he is a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering. He was a Founding Director of the New Jersey Center for Multimedia Research (NJCMR), and NSF Industry-University Cooperative Research Center (IUCRC) for Digital Video & New Media. Dr. Akansu has been an active member of the professional circles over the last two decades, and is a Fellow of the IEEE. He has been a well-published author, gave numerous invited talks, guided theses on the theory of signals & transforms, applications in Internet multimedia and information security, digital communications, and computational finance.

TITLE: A Vision for Future of the Global Village: An Electrical Engineer’s Perspective

The ever evolving Internet and inter-connection for fast information flow is considered by many as the highest impact development in human history. This viral evolution and integration from macro to micro scales has been reshaping the way humans live, interact and coexist in this world.

The genesis of human development has been the improvements and efficiency driven by technological progress over several millennia. For the last century, scientists and engineers have been frontiers of this process. This talk will present a brief status on where we are today along with a few thought provoking remarks on where the global village might be in the coming decades. Moreover, it will highlight some of the opportunities and challenges this unprecedented socio-economic transformation may bring to the engineering community at large.

Mehmet Çelebiler
Turknet A.S.
Satko Technology

BIO: Mehmet Izzi Çelebiler has worked on solving problems in telecommunications, in the USA and in various countries of Europe, and founded two companies in Turkey. For half a century he has contributed to the development of telecommunication networks and services by taking part in the development of digital communications, and in the liberalization of the telecommunication sector. He holds the Ph.D. degree from the University of Pennsylvania, the MSc. degree from the Technical University of Istanbul and the highschool diploma from Galatasaray Lisesi.

TITLE: Curiosity: The Insatiable Thirst for Information

Curiosity is what fuels innovation, commitment is what makes it happen. Everybody talks about innovation, everybody claims to support it, everybody wants it to happen. So conferences are arranged, universities open courses, governments allocate funds for innovation to occur somehow, somewhere. The institutions actively promoting innovation however, do not appear to have the curiosity to investigate what is happening around themselves nor are they willing to spend their money to buy ideas, advice, equipment just to find out what is going on.
Innovation can occur in an environment of curious people. People who are curious, enough to pay to find out how and why certain things happen, are necessary for supporting those who innovate.

I will talk about curiosity and its contribution to the development of technology. I will also talk about failed attempts to create and develop technology without creating and sustaining curiosity.



Ethem Eldem
Turkcell İletişim Hizmetleri A.Ş.

BIO: Ethem Eldem has started his career in local counseling firms in 1993. Later, he worked with more than a hundred of firms in organizational planning and change management issues at the Human Resources Counseling Department of Profil International and Pricewaterhouse Coopes. At the end of 2003, he started working with Turkcell İletişim Hizmetleri A.Ş. as Organizational Development Department Head, and currently he is working as a department head responsible of Product Marketing and Partnership Management.

TITLE: Mega trends towards 2020 and their effects on our business

In the next decade, very critical changes are expected globally. In addition to, taking their consequences in different times and dimensions, another important effect of these changes that will affect our lives is creating nested professions. In this aspect, not our education but the discipline to work together will gain importance. In this presentation, we will share these trends and examples of this serious change.



Daniel Foty
Gilgamesh Associates LLC
Sarissa Radio, Inc.

BIO: Daniel Foty has some two decades of engineering and management experience in the mainstream of the technology industry ­ specifically in integrated circuits and wireless communications. He is the President his own consulting and research firm, Gilgamesh Associates, LLC, which works in very demanding areas of design and development ­ such as signal processing, wired/wireless communications, and ultra-low-power design. A serial entrepreneur, he is currently beginning to co-organize a new start-up company (Sarissa Radio, Inc., where he presently serves as Chief Technical Officer (CTO)) for the development of new technologies for ubiquitous ultra-high-speed, low-power, low-cost wireless interconnectivity. Dr. Foty is also an Adjunct Professor of Electrical Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology (“Georgia Tech”), and has served as an external graduate thesis examiner/advisor with the Tallinn University of Technology (Estonia), the University of Pretoria (South Africa), and the Tshwane University of Technology (South Africa). He is the author of the best selling book, MOSFET Modeling with SPICE: Principles and Practice, which was published in 1997 by Prentice-Hall and is now in its third printing; a Vietnamese language edition was published in early 2006. In addition, he has authored or co-authored some 100 journal articles and conference presentations, and is a frequent plenary/keynote speaker at major international conferences throughout the world. Dr. Foty holds the B.S. degrees in Physics and Chemistry from Bates College, the M.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Illinois, and the Ph.D. degree in Materials Science from the University of Vermont.

TITLE: Addressing the Emerging Wireless Bandwidth Crisis and the Need for Power- Efficient Bandwidth: Prospects for mm-Wave Radio Technology

In recent years, demand for wireless bandwidth has been growing rapidly. In fact, a recent study has predicted that by 2015, the demand for wireless bandwidth will increase to twenty-six times that of today. However, the ability of wireless networks to handle even contemporary traffic is becoming problematic, with network overloading becoming a growing and widening problem; if data traffic increases by even a fraction of projections, wireless networks (as presently constructed) will be completely unable to cope with demand. In addition, according to Shannon Information Theory, there is no limit to the ability to increase wireless bandwidth; however, this is only possible via a corresponding increase in the power consumption - something that is unacceptable in mobile electronic devices.

This presentation will review the current state of mm-wave radio technology as a vehicle for addressing this incipient bandwidth crisis. The main promise of mm-wave radio is that it offers a route to power-efficient bandwidth - that is, the ability to greatly increase the available data rates without increasing the power consumption. To deliver successful mm-wave radio technology for general use, a number of multifaceted challenges will need to be overcome; these range all the way from basic integrated circuit design up to network design and network management. A complete effort on all of these challenges is necessary for successful commercial deployment of high- bandwidth, low power mm-wave networks.

Toshio Fukuda
Nagoya University

BIO: Toshio Fukuda graduated from Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan in 1971 and received the Master of Engineering degree and the Doctor of Engineering degree both from the University of Tokyo, in 1973 and 1977, respectively. He joined the National Mechanical Engineering Laboratory in Japan in 1977, the Science University of Tokyo in 1981, and then joined Department of Mechanical Engineering, Nagoya University, Japan in 1989.
At present, he is Professor of Dept. of Micro and Nano System Engineering and Dept. of Mechano-Informatics and Systems, Nagoya University, Japan. He is director of Center for Micro and Nano Mechatronics. He is mainly engaging in the research fields of intelligent robotic system, micro and nano robotics, bio-robotic system, and technical diagnosis and error recovery system.

TITLE: Advanced service robotics and automation

There are growing demands on robotics and automation in the service sector for many years due to the age quake, silver society and man power shortage. Some need more cost effective systems, while others do more human friendly communication and interactive interface. Now that robotics is so advanced with sensor, actuator and computational intelligence along with the CPU development, it is expected to make much wider applications to service sector than to the manufacturing sector.

In this presentation, the robotics and automation is briefly overviewed for the sake of human assistance and supports. Then there have been so many attempts to make robots more friendly and usable to human and some showed very successful results in bio-medicine field, material flow and daily life. From these applications, it turned out to be much more important for human service sector such that advanced robotics and automation system in this domain should have more cognitive functions as human intention estimation explicitly.

In the robotics, “intelligent cane system” is shown as one of the examples of robotics systems. Human can employ this robot as a partner robot in the daily life, since the robot can help the human to navigate and guide to the goal by estimating human intention. In the manufacturing automation, human coworker and robot coworker can work together at the same working location called “Intelligent Hybrid Cell” by cooperation and collaboration using the human intention estimation. Thus small products systems are expected to work better by trading off the cost of the robot software and human cost, by taking care of the safety issue between human and robots interaction in the automation system

Oussama Khatib
Stanford University

BIO: Oussama Khatib received his Doctorate degree in Electrical Engineering from Sup’Aero, Toulouse, France, in 1980. He is Professor of Computer Science at Stanford University. His current research, which focuses on human-centered robotics, is concerned with human motion synthesis, humanoid robotics, haptic teleoperation, medical robotics, and human-friendly robot design. He served as the Director of the Stanford Computer Forum, a corporate affiliate program. He is Co-Editor of the STAR series, the Springer Handbook of Robotics, and has served on the Advisory and Editorial Boards of several journals, as well as Chair or Co-Chair for numerous international conferences. He is a Fellow of IEEE and has served RAS as a Distinguished Lecturer and as a member of the Administrative Committee. Professor Khatib is the President of the International Foundation of Robotics Research (IFRR) and a recipient of the Japan Robot Association (JARA) Award in Research and Development and the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Pioneer Award.

TITLE: An Open Source Extensible Software Package to Create Whole-Body Compliant Skills in Personal Mobile Manipulators

Whole-body operational space control is a powerful compliant control approach for robots that physically interact with their environment. The underlying mathematical and algorithmic principles have been laid in a large body of published work, and novel research keeps advancing its formulation and variations. However the lack of a reusable and robust shared implementation has hindered its widespread adoption. To fill this gap, we present an open-source implementation of whole-body operational space control that provides runtime configurability, ease of reuse and extension, and independence from specific middlewares or operating systems. Our libraries are highly portable, and the application code contains a thin adaptation layer for specific development and runtime environments such as ROS. In this paper, we briefly survey the foundations of whole-body control for mobile manipulation and describe the structure of our software. We performed experiments on two quite different robots to demonstrate that the software is mature enough for building a community of users and developers who can work on extensions and applications.



José del R. Millán

BIO: José del R. Millán is the Defitech Professor at Center for Neuroprosthetics of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL) where he explores the use of brain signals for multimodal interaction and, in particular, the development of non-invasive brain-controlled robots and neuroprostheses. In this multidisciplinary research effort, Dr. Millán is bringing together his pioneering work on the two fields of brain-machine interfaces and adaptive intelligent robotics. He received his Ph.D. in computer science from the Univ. Politècnica de Catalunya (Barcelona, Spain) in 1992, where he was an assistant professor for three years. He was also a research scientist at the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission in Ispra (Italy), a senior researcher at the Idiap Research Institute in Martigny (Switzerland), and a visiting scholar at the Universities of Stanford and Berkeley as well as at the International Computer Science Institute in Berkeley. His research on brain-machine interfaces (BMI) was nominated finalist of the European Descartes Prize 2001 and he has been named Research Leader 2004 by the journal Scientific American for his work on brain-controlled robots. The journal Science has reviewed his work as one of the world’s key researchers in the field of BMI. Dr. Millán is the coordinator of a number of European projects on BMI and also is a frequent keynote speaker at international events. His work on BMI has received wide media coverage around the world.

TITLE: Non-Invasive Brain-Machine Interaction

The promise of Brain-Machine Interfaces (BMI) technology is to augment human capabilities by enabling people to interact with a computer through a conscious and spontaneous modulation of their brainwaves after a short training period. Indeed, by analyzing brain electrical activity online, several groups have designed brain-actuated systems that provide alternative channels for communication, entertainment and control. Thus, a person can write messages using a virtual keyboard on a computer screen and also browse the internet. Alternatively, subjects can operate simple computer games, or brain games, and interact with educational software. Researchers have also been able to train monkeys to move a computer cursor to desired targets and also to control a robot arm. Work with humans has shown that it is possible for them to move a cursor and even to drive a wheelchair. In this talk I will review the field of BMI, with a focus on non-invasive systems based on electroencephalogram (EEG) signals. Key elements for a successful BMI are real-time feedback and training, of both the subject and the classifier embedded into the BMI. I will also describe three brain-actuated applications we have developed: a virtual keyboard, a brain game, and a wheelchair. Finally, we discuss current research directions being pursued in order to improve the performance and robustness of BMI systems, especially for real-time control of brain-actuated robots. In particular, I'll mention work on recognizing cognitive states that are crucial for interaction.

Rob Reilly
IEEE Education Society

BIO: Rob Reilly received his B. S. degree from the University of Massachusetts, Amherts; Masters of Education degree from Springfield College, Springfield and Doctor of Education Degree from University of Massachusetts, Amherts. Currently he is the president of the IEEE Education society, Vice Chair, Member and in the Geographic Activity Board of the IEEE Computer Society, as well as other various award committees within. Dr. Reilly has been granted with many awards including IEEE William E. Sayle II Award for Achievement in Education (given by the IEEE Education Society in 2010) and IEEE Leadership Award (by the IEEE Member and Geographic Activity Board in 2009). His recent keynote/invited presentations focus on titles such as “Leadership and Educators” (Thailand, 2012), “Engineering and Emerging Technologies” (Saudi Arabia, 2011) and “Educational Pedagogy and Engineering” (Egypt, 2011).

TITLE: Becoming an Engineering Education Leader

One needs to grasp the emerging learning technologies and practices, and use them effectively and efficiently in order to deliver knowledge. There are six primary emerging technologies in education, which can be titled and categorized as cloud computing, mobile technology, gaming, open content, personal learning environments and learning analytics.

The delivery of knowledge mainly requires a solid vision of pedagogy, and leadership as a personal characteristic. The relationship between learning analytics and pedagogy proves that technologies integrated with pedagogically sound practices result in significant learning gains. The impact of technology, which is ultimately about education, must be driven by how people process information, which involves understanding the underlying process, which is how we deliver knowledge. In becoming an engineering education leader, one needs both management skills and leadership characteristics, as well as drive and charisma. One significant point to be highlighted is that leadership involves getting things started and facilitating change, whereas management keeps an organization running.

The integration of the right method for the delivery of knowledge and the required personal characteristics are keys to shaping the educational structure and curriculum.



Başar Yücel

BIO: Başar Yücel has a BSc Honours in EE (UK) and an MBA (Turkey), and has 27 years of professional experience - 5 years as SEVP in Banking, 6 years as Partner in Management Consulting and 12 years as Group CEO for major industrial conglomerates. Since 1989 he has been managing multi billion USD turnover and 1,000+ workforce.He has significant performance in industry, recognised for his high profile turnaround achievements in complicated environments. As a leader/CEO he has always focused in the use of latest technology/I.T. to improve productivity and overall efficiency. To name a few: Ekinciler Group: Promoted Environmental Management Systems, applied just-in-time technology, focused in process control to increase productivity (Iron and Steel Production); Applied GPS technology for fleet tracking of the logistics company vehicles; Introduced supply chain management in construction company to minimize losses; Implemented Total Quality Management in all the Group Companies.

TITLE: Neye Niyet Neye Kısmet (This talk will be delivered in Turkish.)

Bir gencin eğitim hayatının sonuna kadar olan dönem ailenin imkanları, entellektüel altyapısı, vizyonu ve daha sonra gencin de katkı ve çabalarıyla nisbeten daha planlanabilir, ancak eğitim sonrası dönemin planlanması çok daha çetrefillidir. Bu konuşmada, konuşmacı, kişisel kariyer deneyimlerinden, tercihlerinden ve nedenlerinden, öğrencilerin hayatlarında yeni bir döneme başlarken önlerindeki olası opsiyonlardan ve karar verirken dikkat etmeleri gereken konulardan bahsedecektir.